“No,” Sebastian said with a small smile.  “To be honest, I wasn’t even that mean.”

“There you go,” Adam said with a nod.  “There are ways to tell her how you feel without being mean, but don’t forget that an argument every once in a while is normal.  I wouldn’t expect any less from the two of you.”

Sebastian stared at him, a look of contemplation on his face.  “Can I ask you a question, and will you give me an honest answer?”  Adam nodded slowly, unsure if he wanted to hear what Seb had to say.  “Why do you do that?  Why do you watch Alex as she leaves the room?”

Adam looked towards the hall, but knew he still had a few minutes before she came out once more.  “Habit,” Adam answered with a shrug.  “When I was mated, I couldn’t help myself.  I had to watch her leave.  I’m not saying that Ally reminds me of my mate, because she doesn’t.  They’re polar opposites.  I just learned that it is important to make sure you know exactly where your loved ones are going.”

“Even when you know where they are without watching?”

“Even when,” Adam answered.  He didn’t tell Sebastian that his habit was more of a superstition than a habit.  He had to watch Ally leave the room.  She was the only female that he loved that was still alive.  She was the only one who could still leave him.

Sebastian let out a small sigh.  “There’s more to the story, isn’t there?”

Adam laughed.  “You’re around Ally too much.  You’re starting to pick up her annoying habits of snooping.”

“You’re my friend, Adam.  You can tell me anything.”

The look in Sebastian’s eyes was sincere.  The man honestly wanted to know the rest of Adam’s story, wanted to know what was so important to Adam.  “It’s not that interesting.  I just have this quirk.  I used to watch my mate every time she left the room,” he whispered.  “The other’s used to laugh and make fun because I was whipped, happily whipped, but still whipped.  So, I fought it.  I would do everything that I could to look away from her when she left, not to follow her with my eyes.  The day that I was able to look away, the one day that I didn’t watch her leave the room that was the day she died.”


“How about this?” Ally interrupted, walking into the room as if she hadn’t heard the conversation that just took place.

Adam smiled at her.  She had interrupted for Adam’s benefit.  She knew that he was uncomfortable talking about his past, knew that he didn’t like to bring up sad memories.  He was a happy man, but certain things could always bring him down.  “Thanks,” he whispered before giving her a thumb up.  “T-shirt and a pair of jeans are always the best way to go.”

Her eyes glanced towards her clothing.  “Is it too boring?  I look like a mom, don’t I?”

“You are a mom,” Seb said with a large, proud smile.

“A hot mom,” Adam finished, causing them both to glare at him. With a roll of his eyes, he jumped up from the couch.  “You do not look boring.  Now come on, we’re going to be late for our nine o’clock class.  Why you wanted to go that early is a mystery to me.”

“Only Noah wakes up this early,” she whispered as she walked towards Sebastian.  Sliding her arms around his neck, she pulled him down for a deep kiss.  After a few minutes, when they still didn’t stop, Adam cleared his throat.  The two of them pulled away from each other slowly.  “I love you,” she said in a clear voice.

“I love you too,” he mumbled, placing one more kiss on her lips before easing away.

With a sigh, Ally bent down.  Scooping Noah into her arms, she smiled when the boy let out a happy squeal.  “Shh,” she whispered, “you don’t want to wake your sisters.”  Noah immediately quieted, staring at Ally as if she were the sun.  “Be a good boy for me, okay?  I want you to send good thoughts to your sisters.  Make sure that they know I’ll be home later, and to be good for Dad.  Okay?”  Noah didn’t make a noise, but Ally nodded as if they had just had a conversation.  “Good.”  She took a deep breath before pressing a kiss to Noah’s forehead.  “I love you.”

“I’ll take him,” Sebastian said softly.  He held his hands out to take Noah, but Ally shook her head.  “Alex,” Sebastian said in a harder tone, “hand him over.”

“It’s just so hard,” she whispered.  She stared at her little boy as if he were going to disappear at any moment.  Her face was stricken, and Adam knew she was contemplating her decision to go to college, was wondering if she had made a mistake.  She shook her head with a gulp, but the same stricken expression was on her face. Finally, she glanced up with a sigh.  Holding her arms out, she let Seb take Noah from her arms. “Let’s go,” she demanded with her eyes still on Noah, “before I change my mind.”

Turning her back on them, she walked away.  Adam stood there for a moment, watching as Sebastian watched Ally’s exit.  With a smile, Adam started after her.

“Hey,” Sebastian called out, stopping Adam in his tracks.


Sebastian’s eyes hardened, showing off the fierce leader that he had become.  “You watch after her, do you understand me?  Do not let anyone hurt her.”

“You have my promise,” Adam said seriously before smirking.  “I won’t even let any male but me: flirt with her, touch her, or look at her,” Adam promised, holding up one finger for each thing on his list.

“Thanks,” Seb said while shaking his head.  “Now leave before I change my mind.”

With a laugh, Adam jogged out of the room.  As he exited the cabin and walked towards the car, he felt excitement flash through him.  Today was the day that they would start college, a new chapter of their lives, and hopefully a brand new beginning for Adam.

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