Chapter 1

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Author note: the picture are not mine, the character are not mine but the story idea is mine. The picture above shows how Mito looks like. Just that she have blue eyes instead of black eyes. The cover of this book, the picture is not mine but I edited it.

After the war with the nine tail fox
The third hokage: Minato.. Minato..!
Minato slowly open his eyes..
Minato: where am I?
The third hokage: are you feeling okay, minato?
Minato: I'm fine, thank you Sarutobi San
A red haired girl beside minato open her eyes
Kushina: where... am ...I...
Minato: Kushina! Are you okay?
Kushina: I think so... ( suddenly remember something) How's naruto and Mito?!
An Anbu was holding onto blonde haired boy and red haired girl who was sleeping soundly. The Anbu pass the baby to kushina
Kushina: naruto...mito

The next day, after the funeral of people who was dead.

At the hokage office
Kushina: what do you mean by keeping the fact that naruto is your son!
Minato: exactly what it sound like
Kushina: why? Because he is the jinchuurikiof the nine tail fox?
Minato: yes, because he is the jinchuuriki and my son. It will give naruto twice the danger he has now if they know his my son.
Kushina: but... Can naruto stand it? Being hated by everyone as the nine tailed fox itself. I scared, minato.
Minato: it's okay, our son is strong. He will be just as strong as his mom.
Kushina: I wish so.... So, how about Mito?
The sudden question make minato to think for a while.
Minato: we will still tell the villagers that Mito is our daughter, so they will not question how the kyubi escape in the first place.
Kushina: ok...( tears flowing out as she remember the time when she was being kidnapped. She didn't want naruto to have a same childhood as hers )
Minato: (comforting her) it's okay... we as parent will do what we have to do to protect him....

Four years later...
A Brown haired man: there he is!! The demon!
A random person: my son, papa is taking revenge for you now.
A four year old blonde hair boy was resting at a corner when he heard the shouting and continue his run back home. It was his birthday but instead of celebrating his birthday, he was running away from the villager. Why?

Minato: you two stay at home, while your mom and I go and buy your birthday cake. Ok?
Naruto and Mito: yes, dad
Kushina: you two better stay at home or else... ( her red hair is flying up a little bit) ( she wants to make sure naruto stays at home, so he will not be chase by the villager like when he was younger)
After minato and kushina left home
Mito: why must I celebrate my birthday with a monster!!
Naruto ignored what she says
Mito: (purposely increased her voice) I mean I am the great hokage' daughter, while you... A monster. A good for nothing and better off being dead brat.

Naruto ignored her

Naruto: I'm listening, just that I'm not answering.
Mito: (scoff) you know what you are just a loser, a failure who can't make his parent proud. Wait a minute, I'm so sorry. You don't even have a parent that will love you, they keep you by their side just to watch after you not attacking anybody!

Naruto hate to hear when someone says he was an orphan. Naruto rushed out of the house. That's when the villagers saw him and start chasing him.
Flashback ends 

Naruto was about to reached home when he tripped
The villager start to punch and kick him, they didn't bring any weapon with them as they waited this for two years and he, Naruto uzumaki, didn't even step out of his house for the entire day.
Naruto: please stop... It's hurt... ( sobbing )
A white hair man( not kakashi ): I didn't see you stop when you destroy my house and kill my wife!!
A black haired woman: I pleaded for you to stop when you killed  my daughter! She died right infront of my eyes and I was unable to do anything! So why are you crying now! You killed so many of our family and almost killed the fourth hokage and his wife! Not to mention, their daughter, Mito!

Naruto felt something flowing out his body, and it's starting get colder.

Ami dying? He thought as he slowly loses his consciousness

Naruto woke up and found himself in a sewer.
Did they throw me in here? I need to get home before mom and dad got worried... would they even get worried about me?...
Hey kit, you dare to disturb me!

A voice came out of the jail behind Naruto. He turned around and saw a orange figure

Naruto: ! you are the kyubi!
Yes and you must the fourth hokage son, Naruto
Naruto:....ya... I'm the fourth Hokage son... hey, kyubi. Do you have a name?
Why are you asking?
Naruto: my name is Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto... but I think you already know...
Answer my question kit!!
Naruto: just wanted to know the name of someone who has the same childhood as mine...
And what makes you think that I have even have a childhood? I am the great Kyubi! The frightening monster who caused chaos to Konoha!
Naruto: all living being have a childhood... plus you are not a monster.
Naruto: you see, I'm called a monster too. Ever since I can remember I received vengeful looks from people around me. Usually it's just the looks, so I can still ignored it, but when it's my birthday... I was reminded on just how much people hate me.
Naruto: so I was just curious? Haha we "monsters" can have a talk together! That's sound fun!
Naruto: you look lonely, so I want to be your friend!
You.. Care about me? When I was the one who cause you to be bullied by the villagers?
Naruto: it's not your or the villagers fault, they are just sad for their family member who passed... If it was me, I would have done the same.
...Kit, I'm admire you. It's not everyday you see a boy who have this mindset.
Naruto: Thanks... maybe that's why I'm a monster haha...
Kurama, that's my name
Naruto: ...Ok! For now on I would called you Kurama! Hehe I got my first friend before I go to Great Beyond! Yeah!
What do you mean by the "Great Beyond"??
Naruto: you know, the place that every spirit goes after they die?
... ha! Sorry to burst your bubble but you aren't died kit
Naruto: I'm not??!!
For now ya, you are still alive since you gave me! The great Kyubi!
Naruto: wow! You're amazing Kurama!
Hm!... Hey Kit, do you want me to train you? I can train you to be a shinobi
Naruto: really!? Just like dad and Kakashi Nii Chan?!Thanks kurama... Thank you so much! Omg that sounds like so much fun, thank you so much Kurama!!
You better stop saying thanks before I regret it.
Naruto: sorry! I got too excited ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و when are we starting?
Tomorrow 9.00am, the forest of death.
Naruto: ok! I should go to bed now!....( realize something) Sorry, I need to go now, I can't stay with you...
It's fine, I'm used to be alone.... You may go now.
Naruto: bye Kurama, see you tomorrow!

At his bedroom
Naruto woke up and saw his parent beside him.

Naruto: Mom? Dad? What are you all doing here?
Kushina: that is I want to ask you about young man! I make it clear for you to not get out of the house, didn't I?
Naruto: I'm sorry, mo..

Naruto stopped as kushina went forward  to hug him

Kushina: making me worry like this, if ya didn't learn your lesson. I'm promise that you will grounded, ya know.
Minato: Naruto, don't make your mom worry anymore, ok?
Naruto nodded his head
Naruto: dad...
Minato: what is it, Naruto?
Naruto: what happen to my wounds..?
Minato:...? What wounds?
Naruto:... it's nothing!

Kurama must have help me healed them... he's amazing! Just like Kakashi Nii Chan! Speaking of him...

Naruto: dad! can I have a mask as my birthday gift? Like the one kakashi nii chan have.
Minato: ? Sure but, is there a reason why?
Naruto: Erm... can I don't say?
Minato: haha. ok, Naruto. Happy birthday.
Naruto: thanks dad

Author note: the next chapter will have a time skip and Naruto will be five.
Sorry for my English error

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