New Kid

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Abigail's P.O.V
"But Sarah! I don't wanna go to class!" I yell. "You have to! If we go in late again, the teacher will kick our asses! Now move!" I sigh in defeat. I raise my arm's in a way a baby would for you to carry it. She sighs and looks at me with a 'are you serious' look.

"Fine." She grabs my arm's and pulls me up. "There you go. Now, let's get a move on, don't want to be late." We rush to class, and get there just in time. We sit in our seats, and Sarai looks to me. "We're just in time to hear our teacher's annoying voice." We both stiffle a laugh, then look back to the teacher. His name was Mr.Johnson.

The name, doesn't really go with him. He looked like a really dry raisin mixed with a troll. I'm sure you'd probably get the picture. My gosh, his voice, even worse. "Good afternoon, students! Today, we have a new student joining us today. Come on in Darian."

"We have a new guy today?" I ask my Best Friend. "I guess so.." She answers. A guy walks in, and I had to admit, he was hot. "Woah. Abigail, are you seeing this?" "Yup." I say. He had blonde hair with hints of brown in it. His eyes were an ocean blue, and he was pretty well built. He wore a black leather jacket, and some blue jeans.

"Alright, Darian. Introduce yourself please." The raisin troll says. "Uh, hey. I'm Darian, I'm 16 years old. I alot of sports, and well, that's practically it."
(We are in high school. Just so ya know)

Oh my gosh! His voice was so amazing!! "Alright, you may go sit next to Abigail." He point's to me.

I look at Sarai, then say, "Oh, fuck.." He takes a seat, and leans back in his chair. The teacher starts to ramble on about stuff that I really don't care about. I grab a piece of paper, and start writing a note for her. "Uhm! Excuse me, Miss. Alvarez, what are you doing?" Mr.Johnson asks. "Oh, well, I'm writing down notes so I can study them later, sir..."

I was pretty good at lying, so it came out easily. "Oh, well that is a very good thing to do. Everyone, learn a lesson or two from her. She definitely knows what to do." Everyone groans, completely not wanting to do it. Some send me glares, but I just ignore it. I hand the paper to Sarah, then I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I look to Darian. "Um, yeah?" I ask. He smiles. "Can I maybe borrow your notes?" He asks. "Are you being sarcastic or..." He chuckles. "Definitely being sarcastic. What are you writing? Can I see?" Oh, well, nosy much? Sarah tries to hold in a laugh while I hand him the paper.

He chuckles. The paper read:

Me: No, I am not talking to him Sarah! You know that!"

Sarah: Oh c'mon, pleeaase!

Me: He's too cute to talk to, he'd probably never want to talk to someone like me..

He chuckles again. "Adorable~!" I blush and look down. He looks to me and hands the paper back. I take it, and crumple it up. He punches my shoulder lightly. "You know? No need to be shy around me. I don't bite.... much." I giggle at his last remark. We exchange smiles, and Sarai starts 'oooing' in the background.

"Excuse me! What are you three doing?" The raisin troll asks. "Oh, I was just-." "No more excuses. Today's assignment was meant to be turned in next week, your's will be turned in tomorrow." Everyone starts laughing and giggling. Except for blue eyes here, he had more of a 'I'm so sorry' look. Sarai had that same look too.

The bell rang. Me and Sarai got out and went to our lockers, which were luckily close together. "Hey!" Darian comes running up to us. "Could I possibly have lunch with you guys?" He asks. I was about to answer, but the cheerleaders came along.

"Hi, Darian~! Wanna come sit with us? We have an extra seat so you don't have to sit with those sore losers!" The Blondie says. "No. And, I think you're a little confused here. You're the sore losers, not them. But thanks for the offer though!" He waves them goodbye, and comes back to us.

"Are you sure you don't want to sit with them? You're going to ruin your reputation. Especially since you're at a new school." He chuckles and looks at me. I don't know why, but I all of a sudden blush. "Nope. I'd rather hang with you. You guy's are cool." He lightly punches my shoulder again.

"Abby, he totally likes you~!" Sarai says. "Psh. Yeah right. While there are so many other girls to look at." We walk to our table along with Darian, and of course, they have him sit next to me. Assholes.

"So, what's your favorite hobby?" Emily asks. "Well, I like sports but, mostly drawing." My eyes widen, and I look to him. "Really?! I like drawing as a hobby too!" He chuckles. "Looks like we have something in common. That's sweet." I blush again. What is with me in blushing today?!

After our lunch, we go to the courtyard. Me and Darian took a walk around, while the rest wanted to stay behind. "So, Darian. Why'd you move to Texas?" I ask him. Trying to start up a conversation. "Well, I lived in Oklahoma. But, my parent's decided it'd be best here."

I laugh. "Really? The kind of- most dryest place in the United States?" He laughs too. "Yeah, I guess so." He looks at me again, with his beautiful ocean blue eyes. We stare at each other for what seemed like forever, then look away. It seemed like he was blushing, but I ignore it.

The same Blondie from earlier came up to him again, and started touching his shoulder. "Hey~! You wanna come hang with me? Maybe, you know, study?" She asks. He was about to answer, but the girl takes him away. And I never saw him again..

Just kidding! She takes him with her, and he looks back. "I'm so sorry." He mouthes. I shake my head, smiling a little. It feels weird without his presence. I go back to the others.

I guess I'll say....

I have a crush.

I guess I will say I have a crush. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! It took me awhile but, it was worth it. If you liked this, comment down below, and if you want to read more, Follow me. Thank you!


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