Franco just shrugged, "Let's hope we don't see them again."

Louis obviously wasn't satisfied with the answer but being with Franco had taught him a bit about letting go of things. "Where's Michael?"

"He sent me a text saying he's going over a friend's house."

"What friend?"

Franco shrugged again, "He just said friend."

Before Franco could blink, Louis was on the phone, dialing Michael's number. Franco sometimes felt bad for Michael since he had such an overprotective papa. Then he remembered that Michael brought Louis into his life. He really only had himself to blame.

Michael answered cheerily over speakerphone, "Hey, papa, what's wrong?"

Louis didn't even bother with pleasantries, "What friend are you with?"

There was a very noticeable pause. "Well, I met a new friend a few days ago."

"New friend," Louis echoed like he couldn't believe something like that could happen to Michael. "Who is this new friend?"

There was another pause that went on for long enough that even Franco started to worry. "His name is Soren," Michael answered slowly.

Louis continued to investigate with his faux calm voice, "How did you meet Soren?"

"Axel and I were playing around and I accidentally jumped into his friend's yard. Then we started talking."

Franco snorted quietly. 'Accidentally,' his ass.

Louis wasn't so amused. "Michael, is this Soren a potential boyfriend?"

Five seconds into the next pause, Franco had his answer. He yanked the phone out of Louis' hand, said, "Be safe, baby boy, love you, bye," and hung up. Then he reminded Louis' tiredly, "He's sixteen, Lou."

"Still a child," Louis argued.

"A young man, actually."

"You know how teenagers are," Louis practically whined, "When I was sixteen, I was sleeping around with men left and right. I even caught an STI once. And you were just a year older when you got a girl pregnant."

Franco took a second to think about that. "But doesn't that mean Michael is already more well-behaved than we were at his age?"

That gave Louis pause too. "Well, technically, yes, but that could change at any time."

Franco asked skeptically, "What could Michael possibly do that's worse than what we did?"

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