Chapter 2: Meeting Her Parents

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  Margaret and I have been spending lots of time together around school and after her waitress job. I love it. She's everything a young man dreams of. And she's very nice. Recently I admitted to living with Andre and she didn't think anything of it! 

One day Margaret comes up to me, sighs and says,"We've spent so much time together that my folks want to meet you. They want to know everyone I spend time with" 

"We can't put it off forever," I laugh nervously. What guy wants to meet the parents? 

"There's something I need to tell you ." Margaret has lost her ability to make eye contact. "My father doesn't approve of interracial relationships" 

"Then why do you let me hang around you?" 

"Because I really like you. " She kisses my cheek. It's the first time she's kissed me. I have yet to kiss her, until now. Slowly I lean in and do so. Margaret pulls my body closer and kisses me again. 

"Are you sure your dad isn't going to be a problem?" I ask when she pulls away. 

"Mom has already given him a lecture. So just be on time and whatever you do, don't argue with Daddy. He gets mad enough at me when I do." 

That Saturday:
Nervously I walk to the front door of the Margaret's house. Why do my palms have to sweat so much? My heart races. Margaret's mom answers the door. She looks like like a more mature version of Margaret and greets me happily, "Hello, Prince. Come inside" She says. 

The usual small talk happens in the living room.Their home is immaculate as though no one lives in it. All the expected questions about school and such get asked. Mr. Charles is a tall, gruff lawyer, with a loud voice and he keeps looking at me as if he expects me to do or say something stupid. I guess this isn't surprising, given his thoughts. 

"Dinner is ready." says Mrs. Charles. 

"A woman who can't cook is almost useless." Mr. Charles smiles. 

Over dinner when asked what I want to do with my life, I reply "Be a musician" 

Mr. Charles almost laughs "Good luck with that. Oh Margaret, Fred the nephew of one of the lawyers at the firm was asking about you." 

"That's nice" replies Margaret in a disinterested way. 

"It is. He's going to college in the fall. Got accepted into a great medical program." He sounds so fucking proud of this guy. I'm pissed about him bringing up other guys in front of me, as if to point out better options. 

Mrs. Charles quickly changes the subject, asking me about the music I like. She thinks it sounds interesting. When Margaret reaches for a second helping of  dessert, her father glares at her. Dinner concludes without incident. Margaret and I clear the table. 

"I'm sorry. You couldn't have been a better guest if you tried, but Daddy has a mean streak." Margaret says when we're in the kitchen. "Please don't hate me because of him" 

Looking her in the eyes, I tell her "He's not getting rid of me this easy." 

She laughs. We kiss each other. 

Mr. Charles says to Mrs. Charles, "Look at those two!" 

She laughs, "Just like us, twenty two years ago" 

He sounds aghast, "But I wasn't a..." 

"Forget about that, he's a nice young man. Honestly, I expected him to leave the way you acted"  

He'd better get used to me...

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