Chapter Four //Part One\\

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Y/N's Outfit

Y/N's POV------------oSo,pretty much it's just a lazy day

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So,pretty much it's just a lazy day. Nothing to do. Already finished the video and uploaded it.
Ring ring:Elton Castee
Y/N:Hey Elton!
Elton:Hey Y/N! So,are you doing anything right now? Well,you and Aubrey?
Y/N:Not at the moment. Why so?
Elton:Well we were kinda hoping you guys could join us for the new TFIL video!
Y/N:I suppose we could. What's it about?
Elton:it's staying over night in a abandoned mall
Y/N:I'm down for it. Hold on let me ask Aubrey.
~one minute latterrr-
Y/N:she said hell to the no.
Elton:well that kinda sounds like Aubrey. Well,come over around 9pm.
Y/N:alright,see ya there!
This is only the beginning:))) anyways thank you all for the reads and votes! It means a lot to me! Leave down comments for chapter ideas! Thank you for sticking around and stay alive!

No One Can Come Between Us Ever ~Colby Brock X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora