"Why?!?!! What the!!!!" Sehun shouted as he got up...


"Uwaaaaaah uwaaaaaahh" Our baby continued crying.  

"I told you check her diaper!!"

I again slapped his arm... 

"How dare you yell at me???" I yelled back to him..

"Ish... TT^TT ... Can you even call yourself mom? You don't even know how to stop your baby from crying.. " He complained...

"Just do it...."

He then get our baby out her crib and made her lay down our bed..

"Ssshh... Stop crying baby.. What's wrong?? Huh??? Did you poop ??" Sehun asked our baby as he tried to stop her crying.

Actually, I just wanna see how Sehun will stop our baby crying.

And as expected, he always do things perfectly. He's so cute.

Seeing him carrying our baby, omona...  >\\\\\\<

I'm so lucky to have the BEST HUSBAND.. :''>

" X'[ Oh sheez!!! Baby!!! Your diaper smells stinky!! What did you eat???" He complained...

Hahaha.. He's so cute...

Our baby queitly smiled as she thumbsuck.

Hahaha.  Omona.. So cute.. >\\\\\<

I can't believe she's my baby, she really looks like her dad. She got Sehun's lips. Aigoo... So cute..  >\\\\<

"Yah, jagiya..... Give me a hand over here.. Remove her diaper.. > <" Sehun said..

"Ani... Just do it, you look cute doing that. ^^"

"Oh please don't do this to me!! I'm dying!! Please take away her diaper away now!! Please!!"

He can't remove the diaper 'cause he's holding our baby's feet with both his hands while his pinky finger was rose up.

"Hahahaha... You two are so cute.. XD" I laughed at Sehun

Then I just helped him... I removed the diaper and threw it away... Then gave him the wipes..

"Here.. Wipe her cute butt^^" I commanded..

And so he did...

After doing everything... Our baby went back to sleeping.. Her dad, Sehun is carrying her,swaying while humming lulluby.. See? He's doing things I suppose to do.

-_____- But I hate it when he's humming... It's such a pain to ears..

"Yah... Go outside and humm there.. I wanna sleep more..>\\<"  I complained but I am just teasing him..

"Can't you see I look gay here and that's how you'll treat me?? You abusive wife... -___-+"

"Mwo? I am not abusive.. I just love you so much that I wanna see how you take care of our baby^^" I teased him...

"Ish.. Stop it sadako..."

"Call me jagiya... :'D" I ran and hugged him from his back...

"Yah.. Stop teasing me..." Sehun complained..

"Aigoo... Saranghae yeobo... (^\\\\^)" I continued teasing him..

"Don't... Stop it... Donnah's sleeping. You're noisy!!" Sehun scolded me quietly...

MR. RIGHT [EXO-SEHUN] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now