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Mr. Right


Episode 42~ [Pre-Finale(Part II/II)]




BIG F*****G LIE.

I waited for Four years. I didn't know I was waiting for my own heartbreak.

"You can't love anyone but me.."

"Just love only me.."

"You're my one and only, Sadako..."

Psh. Those are the most silly LIES I've heard.

Can I forget those lies? Can I forgive his sins?

Probably not.

Those hugs,holdinghands,kisses,and promises, was that all part of his game? Was tha all LIES?

He made me wait like an idiot. I waited for him with loyalty, and faith to his promises. Despite of those years without any communications happened between us since he left, I still waited wholeheartedly. Hoping that he'll do his promise,that he will come back for me.....and marry me.

He did come back. And seemed like his promises, which are meant for us to achieve, was achieved by him,and with someone else.

He came back with his family. A kid calling him DAD, and a woman whom that kid call as her MOM.

Isn't it Daebak??

It also sounds like I waited for my own grave,without knowing.

Mr. Right??? Huh, most funny word I've ever heard.

Maybe this story will not have a happy ending.

One will be left behind, in a state of moving on, dying in pain.

Does this story of an ugly girl, and an idiot boy, will have a happy ending?

- His toy.


Xander's P.O.V

"Yah.... Please... Stop it. You're already drunk...." I tried to stop her....

"Omma?? Appa?? Huh.. Are they kidding me?? *hic* Who the fck do they think they are?? How dare they hurt me??... Huh??? *hic*.. Tell me, am I idiot? Was I idiot?? Huh??"

She's crying again. Ish. That jerk...

How could he do this??

"You're not.... Yahh.. Stop it..." She drunk one shot again.. This time I held her hand to stop her.

That guy jinja! Once I saw him. I'll really hit him...

I thought I can trust him....

"Xander.... " She's totally drunk... She's hugging me... And I can feel her tears. She's totally hurting... 

"I'm hurting... H-how could he do this to me??" She cried on my shoulder...


"If I only knew this would happen, I shouldt have let you go, I shouldn't have entrust you to him..." I whispered as I caressed her head.

"I love him... *sobs* I love ...*hic*..him... I- I waited for him... Was I stupid?? Tell me...  Was I???" She again cried as she hits my chest repeatedly..

This is the hardest part I have to do. To see my love one cry for her love one. Hm . Isn't this ironic??

I just patted her back... As she cried so hard on my chest...

MR. RIGHT [EXO-SEHUN] (EDITING)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu