my mind

653 41 4

Doyoung's POV

My mind was filled with mixed questions..

What if they'll spot us?

What if Tayeong would get mad at me?

What if something happens to them?

What if-

I turned to look at Ten he was also staring at Taeyong and Nayoung chatting together in the bus, its been hours since the partnering up and i was partnered with Ten, perfect opportunity to be friends with the new guy.

We followed Taeyong and Nayoung to the bus and sitted at the back without them spotting me and Ten, Ten has been weird lately since we started following both of them, or is just his behavior? I dont know, I just met him anyways..

This is a bad idea.. I thought to myself.. But still the one who planned this

"When are they getting off?" Ten asked me in a low voice

"I dont know..Nayoung's house might not be that far .."

After i said that ,they stood up from their seats as the bus stopped making both of us crouched down

We peaked and they got out and started walking to somewhere

"Lets go" i said

We got off the bus and started following them..

Where are they going?

Well Taeyong loves to Fanservice his so called fans before..but he stopped doing it after the bullying incident though..

We followed them inside the fast food restaurant and they sat down with Nayoung's friends together with some boys from the basketball team, Jaehyun and Taeyong's friends

We hid from their view, they started chatting a bit

"I thought they'll be making they're project" Ten said rolling his eyes

I just stayed quiet, when they abruptly stood up from their seats, i pushed Ten to go much futher away from their view

"Wtf?" He said

"Shhh"  I covered his mouth, because they were close by when they walked passed us unseen,

I removed my left hand from Ten's mouth and glared at him

"What?" He asked confused

When one of the staff of the fast food restaurant appeared

"Mr. Yoo what are you doing with these teenagers?" I turned to face who was he talking to, it was the person  infront of me

"Oh, its just these two were making me as a shield"

My eyes widen at that thought

"You guys should go now, I think your crush is not that far"

"U-uhhm..o-okay" Ten said pulling me by my shirt going outside after bowing to the manager

I just stood there motionless when Ten started pulling me to the exit

"what just happened?" I asked Ten as we were walking to what direction they were going to

"I dont know Doyoung" he glared at me, emphasizing my name

"I never noticed that i was tugging the manager's shirt, i was too concentrated on what they were doing" i shrugged

"Look" Ten said pointing

i turned to face to where he was pointing to "come on" i said

Taeyong and his companies were hopping in a car

While me and Ten rode a taxi,

"Where to?" The driver asked

"Follow that black vehicle" I said pointing to the car

The driver followed and we drove going to Nayoung's place i think

"What if nothing will happen?" Ten asked with worry on his face

Im sure somethings gonna happen, but im not that confident in saying it to him so i just kept my mouth shut as if i wasnt listening to what he just said and concentrated on the road and the black car

The car stopped to a two stpre house, it was peach with pink curtains giving out

I paid for the ride and we got off from the car

As they got inside the house we stopped from walking thinking this plan was stupid

"What now??" Ten asked

Im not so sure..

"Lets wait"

"Until they're finished?!"

I nodded making Ten sigh

We sat on the bench not so near from the house being covered by a car of a neighbor

We were seated for about fourty minutes playing with our phones and chatting a bit while we wait for any signs of the door opening signaling that they're finished

"What if that so called 'somethings happening' happened inside the house" Ten saif emphasizing the words somethings happening

"Then-" I was interrupted when I turned to look at the Nayoung's door, Taeyong and Nayoung were talking outside her house

Ten saw my expression and turned to whatever I was looking at that made my mouth open in shock

Ten saw what is happening that made me shock which also nade him widen his eyes and dropped his phone and stood up making Taeyong look at us

Ten stared at Taeyong for a solid of five seconds and ran off to somewhere

"Ten-!" I shouted to his direction when Taeyong chased after him

I picked up his phone to where he dropped it

is Ten really that affected because of a kiss?

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