I began

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Doyoung's POV

I began to rearrange my locker with all these notes and books that made a huge mess inside, when my phone suddenly rang, its my crazy hyung again..aish..

"Doyoung ah~ can you buy me something"  I could sense that he's smiling like a puply begging for food, waiting for me to answer

I sighed "what?" Taking some of my stuff inside my bag to clear of the mess in my locker, while students are busy getting out of the school premises

"Can you buy me perfume the one i use often?"

"Lemme guess...I have to go to the mall?"

"Exactly! Awww my doyoungie is smart!"

"Can't you buy it yourself??"

"I cant dude! im busy as fuck, i need it tomorrow early~*whines* i need to smell good on the interview tomorrow talk to-"

"Wait hyung!"

"Later Anyongg~"

"I've never gone to the mall" my voice faded as soon as he cut the line off

Dammit.. I started walking off to the school corridors

Since the day I moved in with my hyung, I've never told him that I had never been to the mall before..well I have,but that was when I was young but with my parents, ever since that incident and me living with my aunt , she was too strict and busy to let me go to the mall, yet accompany me, I wasn't interested In  going so anyways, its because I kept myself busy with schoolwork that I forgot to make friends and have fun..

Im deeply worried in going to the mall All by myself by the way.... What if i get lost? Omo..nuuu....oh wait..that wont happend..right?...but still...aish Gong Myung hyuungggggg

If he's here right now i would've had spanked him, but it wasn't his fault anyways..that i never told him about this..

I kept on ranting about this that i totally forget with the surroundings, when I suddenly bumped into someone cutting me off with my thoughts


I blinked and the person i bumped into was


"I never thought we would see each other like this"  he smirked at me, making me feel uneasy for some reason.. "you could go ahead guys.." He told his friends and they agreed

"Yeah me too.."

"By the way..what building are you in?..I never saw you before in here"

"Oh..uhmm next to this one..the one on the left" i pointed where it is

"Oh..so what brings you here? I saw you before we bumped into each other though" he said scratching his neck "you were saying something and you looked like you were about to kill someone" he said as an o matter of fact tone

"Oh..that..hehe..dont mind" my voice sounded hoarse

"Where are you going?"

"Oh snap! That reminds me...see you later Kun!" I waved at him and took off

"Yah Doyoungie!"

I turned around "what??"

"where are you going? The mall?"

"What? How'd you-"

"I heard you, you were gabbering something saying that you were afraid that you might be lost inside the mall, Lolz"

"oh..is it okay if you??" I said wondering off... I have no choice...i need someone to go with me

"Sure" he said with a smile plastered on his face

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