MR.41 (PreFinale I)

Start from the beginning


He looked at me.. Imagine, we're sitting next to each other, and now he's staring at me seriously..

I'm... I'm gonna die.. >\\\\\< I feel like my face is already burning!!

"The second one(In Sadako's room)... That's also an accident...."

O////O Mwoya?? W-why the hell is he moving his face close to mine??

"The third one..(In Jejou) That's confusion....."




He closed his eyes and.. Gently kissed my lips...

Omo.. Omo omo.. My God. Is it the world stopped spinning??? Or is it my heart stopped beating?? I can't feel anything... I can't feel my body. Am I floating?? Flying?? Dreaming?? His lips... Are they really kissing my lips right now?

Omoooooooooo!!!! I wanna screaaam!!!! >\\\\\\\< Hell my heart is going to explode soon!! I can't explain this feeling..  Omonaaaaa!!!

"Is love..." He whispered as he stopped kissing me..

O///////////O <- I think I looks like this. Like an idiot...

"Eherm...." He cleared his throat as he moved back to his seat...

And me... Still like this -> O////////O .. I can't move. I'm stunned...



"Otteoke?? I think I really fell for you already...."

"And so did I..." I accidentally said..

Omona!! What the heck am I saying??

He suddenly held my hand. And smiled... Then gazed up back to the stars...

"Aigoo.... Otteoke??" He sighed and whispered to himself..

"What's wrong???" I asked.... O.o

"Nothing.... I'm just so happy... with you..... :) " He said smiling ay the stars..

I felt he tightened his hold to my hand..





"Dad called..." He said as he looked at me.. With his face, I can sense he has a problem...

"What's wrong?? O.o"

"He said the company screwed up. And told me to go there and help him...."

"Can you?? O.o" I asked him. Can he manage a screwed up company? I don't think he knows even a single thing about managing a company...

"Yah.. -___- Even if I look like an idiot yehet, I am good at managing a screwed up business.. You're looking down on me too much. That's so upsetting...-____-"

"Really? Then why don't you help him?? It's not that you're going to marry someone else like my mom's plan.."

"Yeah,.I will not going to marry someone, but actually, this happened before. Managing a screwed up or a company which is going to the state of bankruptcy, will take a long process.."

O.O I think..... I know what's he trying to say.....

"How long??" I asked..

"It takes up to two years or more.. :("

MR. RIGHT [EXO-SEHUN] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now