I sniffled a bit as I looked over at him, "You barely know me.."

"That's true.. But I know you enough to want to get to know you more. And I hate people." He laughed a bit.

I laughed too, "Thanks Keith.. That means a lot.."

"No problem, buddy." He sat up, "I'm going to get changed. Want to borrow some clothes? I'm sure I might have something that'll fit you well enough that you can sleep in it."

I looked down at my outfit. Denim shorts, a baby blue tank top, a white hoodie, and mismatched socks. "Yeah, these shorts wouldn't be comfortable to sleep in."

He nodded and started going through his clothes, finding me some baggy, grey sweatpants and a NASA t-shirt. I went to the bathroom to change while he stayed in his room.

I took off my jacket and looked in the mirror at my upper arms. They were covered in my scars. My right arm had bandages from after lunch, when I last cut. I had gone to the locker rooms while no one was there to do it. Kyle had made me feel so bad about myself..

I sighed and changed into the clothes Keith had lent me, but the sleeves of the shirt didn't cover my bandages all the way. I was about to panic. I didn't want him to know. I decided to put my hoodie back on before going back into the room, rolling up the sleeves on my way.

He had changed into some red sweatpants and a black v-neck. He looked up at me and raised his eyebrow, "Why are you still wearing your hoodie? Aren't you hot?"

I was actually was burning up, "Nah.. I'm fine. I'm always cold for some reason so this is fine." I shrugged, plopping down on the bed beside him.

"Then why are you sweating?" He reached up and wiped my forehead a bit.

Shit, no more hiding it now, "I, uh.. I just want to keep it on.." I looked away, afraid to tell him.

He reached over and held my hand again, "Is something wrong?"

I shook my head, "I'm fine, I just want to keep it on.."

"Why is it such a big deal to you?" He stroked the back of my hand with his thumb.

I felt bad lying to him, "I don't want you to see..." I mumbled.

"See what? What are you covering up?" I think he already had a pretty good idea of what it could be.

I sighed and pulled my jacket off. He couldn't see the scars but he could see the bandages.

He frowned, "Did Kyle hurt you? Let me see.."

"He didn't hurt me this time.. Um. I-I, uh, I did..." I sniffled a bit and pulled the sleeve up, showing him what I'd done.

He let out a tiny gasp and leaned in to get a closer look, "Lance.. I... I'm so sorry, Lance.. You must be in a really tough situation if you resorted to this.."

I felt myself start to cry a bit, "I-I just really hate myself sometimes... I just sometimes want to die.."

He leaned over and pulled me into a hug, "You don't have to explain everything tonight.. But I'm here for you. I want to help you realize how wonderful you are.. I'll help you through this, I promise.."

I cried in his arms for a few minutes before I calmed down and pulled away, smiling at him, "Thank you, Keith.. Thanks a lot..."

He nodded and wiped my tears away, "No problem, really. I know I said you didn't have to explain everything tonight.. But I just realized you said Kyle didn't hurt you this time.. Meaning he's hurt you before?"

I sighed and looked down, "Yeah.. Just like, pushing me around.. And sometimes he'll hit me.. Or make me get in bed with him and do stuff.."

"He raped you?" He sounded a bit surprised, and a bit angry.

"Well, not exactly... I didn't fight him that much the first few times, and the rest I didn't fight him at all.." I played with the drawstrings of the pants I was wearing.

"Did you say no the first few times? Even just once?"


"Then he raped you, Lance.. That's not okay...." he reached over to rub my back and it really hurt.

"Ow ow ow!" I moved away from his hand, "That's where the window sill hit me when he pushed me."

Keith pulled up my shirt and looked at my back, "Lance, that's a super bad bruise.."

"It feels super bad.." I frowned as he lowered my shirt again.

"Let's just get some sleep for now... Okay Lance..? We can talk about this more in the morning.." he sighed.

I nodded and we laid down together, him pulling the blanket over us.

"Lance.. I'm glad you told me... Would you feel okay telling my foster dad? I think he can help you.." he held my hand again.

I thought before nodding, "Yeah, Mister Shiro seems nice.. I guess I'll tell him...."

Keith smiled at me, "Okay, thank you.. Good night, Lance."

"Good night, Keith.." I closed my eyes with a smile.

I went to bed peacefully for the first time in ages, not worrying about my crappy ex-boyfriend. Fuck you, Kyle. I think I've found someone way better than you'll ever be.

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