But David was not open.

I stared out the window at him, focusing my energy and attention at reading his aura.  It was hidden but I could sense it was there, almost as if a wall were blocking me.  This happened with some Shifters.  All I could sense was change.  David’s aura itself wasn’t changing, but it gave off a vague sense that David’s life was heading towards alternations.

Disappointed that I had such a hard time reading his aura, I stepped away from the window.  I had to get to class, but I didn’t want to risk David seeing me, even though walking past him would be the quickest way.  I decided to take the back door to the library.  It was out of my way, but I would avoid any awkward confrontations with the wolf.

Just in case, I pulled out my notebook to review my notes.  Not only would this help me get last minute cramming for the test, but it was a good excuse to avoid any eye contact with anyone.  I had blinked the shades onto my eyes, and sometimes people noticed.

My feet turned onto a path.  I didn’t need to navigate with my eyes; I was more skilled than that.  I knew I wouldn’t run into anything.

“You should watch where you’re going.  You might run into someone.”

I stopped at the familiar voice and looked up, a glare already in place.  David was smirking at me, standing directly in my path, and too close for comfort.  It dawned on me that I had only ever spoken to him with a counter between that at the café, although I had seen him on campus before.

“I would never run into something,” I stated confidently.

He smiled, amused by his own little joke. “You almost ran into me.”

“You deliberately stepped into my path,” I spat vehemently.  I sensed he was playing a game again, just as he had at the café, and it was in his court again.  I wanted to step around him, but that would be submitting to defeat.  I had to make sure he was the one who moved out of my way.

“Nothing escapes your eyes, does it?” he teased.

His light tone bothered me, and I had to refrain from clenching my jaw.  Pretending I wasn’t bothered, I smiled. “Nothing escapes any witches’ eyes.  See, Shifters may have the numbers, but witches have the power.”

His brown eyes twinkled mischievously.  “You certainly have power over me.”

I stiffened.  Something clicked…but no, it couldn’t be…he wouldn’t…

“Are you flirting with me?” I demanded.

His smile widened to show his teeth, slightly more pointed than a normal human’s.  “Depends.  Is it working?”

My chin lifted. “Not at all.”

David laughed quietly, unnerving me further.  “Well, in that case, I better step up my game.”  He turned slightly and help out his arm to me.  “May I escort you to class?” His tone almost sounded serious, but his expression gave away the heavy undertone of mockery.

“Absolutely not,” I snapped, knowing I needed to gain the upper hand in this game soon. “I don’t like the idea of a Shifter knowing where I’m headed.”

“What’s to stop me from following you?” His arm dropped to his side.

I smiled, seeing my change. “Who.”

“Excuse me?”

“Not what, who.  Who’s to stop you.  And the answer is me.  Now get out of my way.”  I let a smug expression fall on my face.  I know I had won this round.

David stared at me for a moment before smiling. “Well played.  I suppose that’s the all-powerful witch in you speaking?”

“Keep standing there and you’ll find out.”

The corner of his mouth was upturned in a private smile, humored by another private joke of his.    Finally, he bowed, his final trick of mockery. “Till a later date, my lady Leila.”  He turned to the side, his arm outstretched, allowing me to pass by it.  Stiffly, I walked past him, aware of his eyes following me intently.  I resisted turning back at him.  Somehow, I could sense that was what he wanted.


Well, there it is!  I had a lot of fun writing this chapter.  I hope you all liked it!  I'm sorry it took me so long to upload.  I was on vacation.  Anyway, thanks for reading!

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