"I said are you okay"

"Yeah i'm fine" you said lying through your teeth. "Why?"

"Because you keep twitching your head in my direction while looking at the girl sitting over there" he said pointing at your best friend

"Yeah I'm sorry about that" you said giving up. "That's my best friend and she sort of set up this date and that head twitch thing was meant to be our discrete safe word"

"Discrete? You looked like you were having a seizure" Colby said as he was laughing to himself when his food finally came

"Your funny"

"Thanks!" he said taking a bite of his food. "So tell me about yourself"

"Well i'm 18, I just moved to California, I live with my best friend, and I left right after my graduation"

Colby didn't respond. He was finishing the food in his mouth for a few seconds. He just looked at you.

Finally when he was done with his food he just said the word "boring!"

"boring?" you said completely confused

"Yeah that's all stuff you told me through text already" he said as he crossed his arms and looked at you. "I wanna know something that nobody knows"

"Like what?" you asked raising an eyebrow

"You look like a girl with secrets. I wanna know those secrets. I want to be able to know who you are more than just the cover story of you"

For a split second your heart had dropped again. Colby was sounding like your ideal guy. He had said everything you wanted to hear in a relationship and you only just met. He wanted to know your secrets and it sounded like he was being genuine when he said that.

You thought to yourself: should I tell Colby my secret? Would he believe me? Would he not want a second date? Would he be interested? If he likes me would it matter?
All of these questions were just floating around in your head. All of your prior relationships ended in failure because none of the guys believed in what you could do and they would call you crazy. It never ended well and due to that it has made you unable to find anyone special.

Your best friend has walked past the table at least seven times in the last five minutes. As she walked past for the last time she heard Colby say "I want you to tell me just one secret about yourself"

She quickly brought herself into the conversation and exclaimed "I'm so sorry to interrupt, but I just need to borrow y/n for one second and then she's all yours again" she said as her smile turned into a scowl as she pulled you from your seat to an empty corner of the restaurant

"You can't tell him your secret!" she exclaimed

"Why not? The boy is pleading to know a secret about me"

"Y/N if you tell him he will take off in the other direction. This guy actually seems like he could be a keeper and I don't want that to get ruined"

"I hear what your saying but i'll make my own choice on it" you said as you walked back to the table
You took a seat and took a bite of your food until you finally said "Now where were we"

"You were about to tell me a secret" Colby said smiling

"You know normal people on a first date don't usually ask people to tell them a secret as a form of initiation into a possible relationship" you said trying to think of a secret other than your huge one as you twiddled you thumbs together quickly

"And did you know that people who ramble when their nervous and have a habit like the one you have usually means they are hiding something" Colby said as he reached across the table and separated your hands. "Whatever it is your hiding doesn't need to be hidden from me" 

"If I tell you, you will run away screaming" you said standing up from the table as you released yourself from Colby's small grip. "This date was really nice but I don't think it's going to work out" 

"Yes it is" Colby said loudly making the whole area turn and face you. "Look whatever it is that you don't want to say I'm not going to force you, but I'm also not going to walk away and I'm definitely not going to let you walk away. I'm here because I like you" 

You had absolutely no words. 

Colby getting up and standing up for you made you feel really special. You wondered would it be so bad to let someone into your life without spilling your secrets to them. You started to move closer to Colby because he was giving you your space while still not letting his eyes off of you. 

You took a hold of his hands and whispered in his ear. You felt his cheek bones move around, that was when you knew that his eyes had widened and his jaw dropped open. 

Just after you said what you said you slowly backed away from Colby. You turned around and began to walk out the door believing that Colby would not chase after you because he must've thought that you were insane. 

After taking only one step forward Colby grabbed your hand from behind and spun you around to face him again. He did not say a single word and he quickly just closed his eyes and placed his lips on yours. 

"I'm not going anywhere" he said as he pulled away from the kiss 

From that day forward Colby has known your biggest secret and all of your smaller ones too and it has only brought you too closer together. Even two years later he's just as in love with you as the day you whispered into his ear. 

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