Long Way Home

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"Um Colby, I hate to be the biggest downer during our romantic date but where exactly are we right now" 

"We're just driving babe" he said placing his hand on your lap. "I don't tell you how to dance so don't tell me how to drive" 

"Colby we are literally in the middle of no where" you said beginning to get frustrated. "Pull over the car right now before it's out of gas and we end up being stuck here" you said trying not to yell 

Suddenly Colby slammed onto the breaks and said "you know.....this date was going great up until you had to exact your criticism the way you always do" 

"I honestly don't want to get in an argument right now, so I'm going to go sit on the roof of the car to try and get a cell signal to use my map and get us out of here" you said unbuckling your seat belt and getting out of the car. "Your welcome to join me once your done being mad" 

There was a brief moment when you were sitting on the roof of the car not saying a word. You just sat there staring at all of the fireflies that were flying by every second. You remembered the times when you and Colby would look up at the sky and make up these wonder make believe stories together while you were on dates and didn't have anything better to do. 

"The old days in the school yard" you said holding a firefly in the palm of your hand 

Suddenly, Colby popped his head up towards the roof of the car and just smiled at you in complete silence until he finally said "the days where we would sing songs and play guitar" 

"Yeah we thought we were so cool and crazy back then" 

"It was out reality.  And considering I just said was do you think our reality is still crazy?" 

"I think it still is" you said taking a hold on Colby's hand. "But you know what it has always been our reality and I love it more than anything else" 

He then pulled himself up onto the car and sat next to you on the roof of the car. For a while you both sat there in silence just remembering all of the more happy memories you had together before drifting apart and always arguing like you have been doing recently. 

"I don't want to waste my time alone because without you I'm nothing like how I am when we're together" 

You gently place your head on Colby's shoulder and you both just sat together watching the night sky turn from dusk to dawn. Not realizing that right before your eyes you would be seeing the night sky filled with shining stars would in just a few hours be back to the colorful light filled sunrise that rises behind the trees. 

"We should probably figure out the quickest way home" Colby said hopping off the roof of the car 

"No we shouldn't" you said 


"I think we should take the long way home because it means more time together" 

"But we're lost and we drove forever to get to the middle of nowhere" 

"It doesn't matter to me anymore because even if we're lost we're still together and that's all that matter to me" you attempted to say through the anxiety of being lost 

You and Colby got in the car and just started driving through the middle of no where until you finally started to see the sun appear in the distance yet there was still barely any light.

"There's a part of me that wishes the sun would never come up" you said 

"Why's that?" Colby said in confusion. "We need the sun for warmth and light" 

"Because whenever the sun is down I feel invincible, like there's nothing I can't do. I just only need you by my side and I could conquer the entire world" 

"Anything you say is like make believe" Colby said smiling

"This story is like a movie scene from a love story" you said to Colby smiling also. "Except hopefully in this story no one dies or gets lost in the middle of no where" 

Your witty comment made Colby chuckle as he was driving. 

"Guess we have another story to tell everyone" Colby said 

"Maybe this story could just be ours for once. I mean for the first time ever it's actually our story" you said to Colby making him think 

While you were driving it felt light every five seconds Colby was stopping at another red light over and over again. You were annoyed at how many times the car was stopping.  That was until you reached the stop signs on the road because once the car stopped Colby would leaned in and gently place a kiss on your lips. It made you ready for the next stop sign or red light to come already. 

"You know what.....I know what we can listen to in order to pass the time" Colby said 

You both looked at  one another and then simultaneously said "GREEN DAY" 

Green day was both you and Colby's favorite thing to listen to while in the car together. This was because it was both of your favorite bands and you had every album in the car already saved. Including their newest album Revolution Radio. It was beginning to feel nice just having the two of you sit and drive along the open road together. You just sat there together singing the songs at the top of your lungs. 

"Don't wanna be an American Idiot" you sang 

"I walk this empty street on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams" Colby would sing as the song kept changing 

"Pay attention to the cracked streets and the broken homes" you would sing as the songs continued to play on shuffle 

"Babe I hate to be the backseat driver but I don't think we need the headlights on anymore since it's morning" you said chuckling 

"No one else is on the road" Colby said turning the headlights onto low beam. "It's just me and you" 

"And that's the way it should be" you said as you leaned closer to Colby and placed a kiss on his cheek because he was still driving 

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