Lightning strikes {Edited}

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"He's risking the clan to save her life! He doesn't damn care about the river-" Haku's eyes flew open.

Haku sent a circle of wind round Kia.

"Why are you angry at me?"He asks calmly. As the wind carries up.

"Because you are always thinking of her and not the wellbeing of your river!" Kia yells the wind takes a step in towards Kia. "She's the reason why we're in this situation!" Kia shouts. The wind gets really close to her.

"Who are you talking about?" Haku asks calmly, he knew of cause.

"Chihiro! You'll do anything for her! Ever since she came back, you haven't been taking care of yourself or your river!" Kia yells. Haku bends some of the wind to hurt her just a bit, Kia hisses in pain.

"Kia! You have no right to say what I should do or not do! You can't blame Chihiro for everything that's happened." The wind disappears.

"Master Haku..." Sumi whispers glancing between him and Kia.

"I think we should-" The blue light interrupts the sentence.

Alicia shows up with Storm hanging his head down, he was covered in bruises, claw marks, and scars. Everyone gasped at the sight.

Alicia pushes Storm in causing him to tumble. Leo catches him, Leo looks up at Alicia and glares at her.

"There, he's back." Alicia states. Then disappears.

"Storm!" Leo shouts. Storm only moans for a response. "What happens in there." He asks while putting his hand on Storms back.

Storm hisses in pain. "Don't touch my back." He grunts out.

Leo carefully lifts up his top to see claw marks on his back. Leo gasp when he saw them. As did the others.

"Storm, what exactly happened in there?" Neo, ask calmly.

"I... I don't. Want to.. talk about it." Storm replays.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it," Haku says.

Storm nods. "Thanks."

"Well, too ease your worries Chihiro is near -"

"Don't. Don't tell me where she is! Just tell me she's dead! They're using a spell on me, to tell the truth! Then if I'm a lier I'll be punished! I don't want to know the truth!" Storm yells.

"I see..." Haku whispers. "Well-"

Someone came back again, this time it was Sky.

"Yikes, Erik did a number on you didn't he," Sky says looking at Storm. Storm just glares. "Haku, Erik wants to see you now. As you know Chihiro so much he thought it'll be worth 'talking' to you about it." Sky explains.

"Do I have a choice?" Haku ask.

"Mhmm, nope."

"Fine, I'll come." Haku agrees.

"Good, because if you said 'no' I'll bring you out by force."

(A/N Questioning part next chapter.)

"Whatever," Haku says as he walks up to Sky and disappears.

Chihiro 3rd person

Chihiro goes into the main room, but find Haku wasn't there. Apart of her wanted Haku at her side.

"He really has left." Chihiro whispers. She didn't realize Samuel was behind her.

"What did you say Chihiro?" Samuel ask. Chihiro span round and found Samuel on a chair.

"Nothing," Chihiro says quickly. "I just miss the others." She confessed.

Chihiro realized how pale Samuel was. "Samuel are you okay? You seem really pale." Chihiro asks.

"I'm fine Chihiro. Its just Neo, I can tell feel he's frightened. I'm trying to get through to him." Samuel says. "His fear is affecting me."

"I can ask Haku if you'd like to speak to Neo," Chihiro ask.

"Later Chihiro," Samuel says.

"Master Samuel!" Yuki yells running into the room.

"What is it Yuki?"

"You need to get back into bed. You shouldn't be walking around!"

"Yuki, I'm sitting down."


"Yes master, I can see that. But don't push yourself too far." Yuki says exiting the room.

"She worries too much," Samuel says. Chihiro sigh.

"It's her job to worry, after all, you are the Clans leader. Just imagine what would happen if you were dead." Chihiro says.

"True. You want to go to the river don't you?" Samuel asks.

"That would be nice, to pop in and say hi to Haku," Chihiro says. "If he's even there," Chihiro added.

"Second thoughts, you need to stay here. For your own protection." Samuels says.

Chihiro sighs. "Fine."

"Chihiro...You know you two can't love each other right? It's against our rules." Samuel says. Chihiro blushes a bit, her eyes get watery when she heard him say the truth.

Chihiro squashes up her theist. "I just don't understand how we truly feel about each other." And left.

"Oh, I do Chihiro... You don't know anything." Samuel whispers. 

Going to leave it there, you guys are going to love the next chapter. I'm going to try and fit in two surprises in the next chapter.

Spirited Away 2:     Run Away DRAFTWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt