First Day...not 'Date'

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~•~•First Day...not 'Date•~•~

I got up and checked my watch on the table and saw that it was already 8:45am I stood up and placed my brown hair, which I inherited from my mom, on a ponytail.

I cleaned my self and wore a tube with a sleeveless shirt, the opening on the armpit part was long that's why I wore a tube then shorts.

I went down stairs and saw Sean eating breakfast and watching TV

"Where's mom and dad" I asked as I take a cereal and milk out of the fridge

"They're upstairs sleeping" Sean said a mouth full of food not taking his eyes of the screen

"Wow it's already 8:58am" I said looking at the clock on the wall

I took a bowl and placed it on the table and prepared my breakfast


"Hey kids" my parents greeted

"Hey guys" I said as my parents kiss us on the cheek

"Well what are you going to do with the guys today?" My dad asked me

"Jerome" mom said glaring at my dad

"What?" My dad said snickering

"Actually we're going to the mall today" I said getting a groan from my mom

"What?!" My mom said turning around facing me

"Mom" I groaned

"Anna I thought we talked about this already" my dad said to my mom as they sat down at the table

"I know I'm sorry" she said rubbing her temple

"Just make sure you're safe" my mom said as we hear a knock

"I'll get it" I said as I stand up

I opened the door and saw the guys waiting outside with their bike and helmet on

"Oh.." I said as they all took their helmet off

"Are you ready to get out of this stinky place and head to the mall?" James joked as we both snickered

"Hey I practiced that the whole night" James said finishing his laughter

"Ehem ehem ehem" all the guys said causing both of us to stare at them.....well it's kind of like glare

"Hey we practiced that all night too" Bailey teased causing some of us to laugh

"I'll just change my clothes" I said turning around when Jake said something

"No need. I thought you where already ready." Jake said

"Um oka-"

"Lia whats going on?" I heard my mom call from the kitchen

I went inside the kitchen with the boys behind me

"Um..." My mom trailed of as she taps her tea cup with a spoon

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