Becoming The People I Hate(ed)

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So before i start let me tell you my name is Cherilynn as in (sherrilinn) and i will turn seventeen in two weeks on May 14th. I go to MelinDale High school  i have for the past three years of high school. I have always lived in the same town ...MelinDale obviously but i have moved homes you will know why in a few seconds.

I am a girl of much power. A girl who needs to know nothing and to do nothing. People do things for me when i ask them the way that i asked them. Things were not always this way though so didn't expect to be this way when i was five and six. My parents took very good care of me. They used their money for things they and other people actually needed. They took care of me not the people working for them. That all changed when i turned eleven years old. My parents were always working for who knows what and what i guess you could call servants started taking care of me and that is when we moved into a larger house to create homes for all of the servants. I barely ever saw my parents and not only that but i never really had any. Considering most of our people were foreign for a while no one ever really taught me about the teenage years or anything like that, that was until i got sick of not understanding what anyone was saying to me in my own house and asked my mother to get rid of them and get me American people that i didn't just understand but didn't smell so bad.

So from the age of eleven until now my almost seventeenth birthday i have practically took care of myself. But not exactly you see i am not just the popular girl at school who is rich and gets everything she wants because there is a twist.

Anyways enough of that boring life stuff you probably don't want to hear about, aye? I am sure you are dying to hear about how pretty i am and all the things i make people do and the great happiness of being the popular girl in high school not having to do school work and getting my way and all that. God if you actually think that is how it goes you have watched way too many teen movies and TV shows obviously! Why do you pathetic boobs believe that nonsense it makes me so angry! I have spent many years trying to get where I am today yes hard to believe I wasn’t born pretty, popular and smart. Yes unlike most popular girls I am smart. I know what you are thinking. That is the lamest twist ever. yeah? Well that isn’t the twist. Gotcha!

I have worked extremely hard for this life and some may not realize it because I don’t have a job or they don’t think I study or I smoke too much pot or whatever their reason is. Very few people actually know what do on a daily but not one person knows everything. You see yes I may be very popular at school and me and my parents well we get along good enough for people who rarely see or talk to each other but that has only affected me a bit in my life. I cannot focus on things I can’t change right? Yeah. I wake up every morning and spend almost two hours to look as good as I do every day. That means covering myself in pounds of makeup, putting on fake eye lashes, doing my hair, picking out an outfit that pleases my body, and shoes so I am reasonably tall.

I spend every hour trying to please everyone in my life and i don't think anyone really even thinks about how hard I try. Things are a lot different then anyone would expect them to be. You see it isn't just me in my life but no one knows. I look like the normal teen girl who has guys all over her and spends her time shopping and with buys upon boys. But no one has ever met my girlfriend so that is why they think that. Not that i want them to, because i don't and neither does she. Neither one of us want the whole school to know that we are the only two girls in this entire school that are gay. You see the people thta work for me know and they cover for us a lot and it is very helpful for our relationship. Everyone says that a hidden relationship isn't a real relationship and it never ends well but let me tell you, i have been with her for two years and i couldn't love anyone more.

The thing is... I hated gay people my whole life. So you may vbe asking how i became gay if i hated gay people. Well honestly i still do really dislike most gay people. They think that because they are gay and it is frowned upon that they should get  special rights and treatment from people that are ok with it. Well that shouldn't be the case and so because of that me and my girlfriend refuse to have to attention.


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