Chapter 3

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The next morning Shona woke to her screaming alarm clock. She slapped the snooze button and rubbed her face. Her mom opened the door and came in. “Need help getting out of bed?” Shona nods drowsily. Her mom picked her out of bed and groaned with the effort. “Let’s not make a habit out of this.” She jokes and carries Shona to the bathroom. Shona winced when she was set down. Her mom opened the medicine cabinet and took out her prescribed pills for the pain. She opened the bottle and shook out two capsules handing them to Shona. Shona filled a glass of water and swallowed the pills down. “How long until they work?” she whined. “Around 40 to 45 minutes.” Shona groaned. “Are you hungry? I have breakfast read for you already. Do you want to eat it in bed?” Shona looked up at her mom. Her eyes were filled with worry and she looked like she hadn’t slept. “No mom. I don’t want to be treated like some sick old woman.” The worry lines around her mom’s eyes creased deeper. “I’ll eat in the kitchen with everyone else.” They stumbled down the halls together and into the kitchen. Shona sat down with a loud gasp. “What? Are you hurt?” her mom asks her franticly. “Mo mom, I’m fine. Quit worrying.” “I can’t help it. You got winded easily before. Imagine what a cast is going to do to you.” “Would you stop thinking ahead? It’s bad for you. I may not even get winded. Today is a normal day just like any other. Besides, I’ll have Ty with me to help me.” Shona beamed.

 “That’s the thing though Shona.” “What’s the thing?” “Your father and I don’t think you should see Ty anymore.” “What? Just because he had one screw up? He didn’t kill me. You’re not just punishing him by not letting us see each other, you’re punishing me too.” “But we still think…” “No! I’m not going to break up with Ty just because he broke my leg in an accident. He was almost killed too. Our love is stronger than it’s ever been now that we’ve survived a life threatening event together!” “We were afraid of that.” “What is that supposed to mean?” “We are afraid he won’t be satisfied with your level of relationship.” “You and dad, or just dad.” “I’m not pointing fingers.” “I can’t believe him! He thinks Ty will ask for more?” “It appears so. I’m sorry honey.” “I’m not breaking up with Ty.” “I know you’re not, you’re stubborn just like you’re father.” Shona finishes her breakfast and grabs her car keys. “You know you can’t drive right? Your leg is injured and you’re on pain medication.” “Then I’m calling Ty.” Her mom sighs. “Do as you please, this is your father’s fight to pick, not mine.” She turns and walks away as Shona pulled out her phone and called Ty.

“Whoa.” Ty said after Shona had finished telling him about what her dad wanted. “I don’t want to, but he’s my dad. He’ll try to force us apart.” “I do feel guilty about your leg…” “I know you do. We don’t need to punish you because you’re already punishing yourself.” “I didn’t get any sleep last night.” Ty admits. “I slept like a rock.” Shona said feeling guilty. “You need sleep to heal. And the sooner you heal the sooner I’ll be able to sleep again.” Ty said drowsily. “You’re not fit to drive either Ty.” He shrugs and yawns. “It may be the only personal time I get to spend with you.” “We should call a cab tomorrow.” Ty’s eyes grow sad. “Ok.” He agrees after a moment of hesitation. “We can nap together on the way to school.” Ty smiles. “Sounds good.” Shona smiles as Ty takes her hand and squeezes it.

At school most of the students stared at Shona as she stumbled inside. Her cheeks grew hot and she hurried to her locker with the aid of Ty’s hands. “Ignore them.” He whispers into her ear. “They must have heard about the crash.” As Shona looked at the faces, she saw expressions of hate, sympathy, and concern. “Probably.” She said and opened her locker. “Why do some of them look angry?” “Because I got away with speeding without a ticket or a warning I guess.” “Or maybe because you nearly killed my best friend.” A girl snapped. Shona looked around her locker. “Hey Kate.” She said. Kate was one of the most well know students in the school and when she is worried so is everyone else. Her emotions literally run the school. She hugged Shona and the school itself seemed to sigh with relief. She lightly punched Ty’s shoulder, and the tension in the air loosened. A fight had been expected. She was the only girl in school who let guys hit her back, she even had it filed with the school that if they had a problem with her they could punch her, and she would punch back only harder. She put up a good fight but she didn’t get into very many fights because most people liked her. They wanted her on their side for if they needed backup. So bullying was at an all-time low in West Mountain High. “How are you feeling?” Kate asked acknowledging Shona’s cast. “Fine, I’m just tired all the time.” Kate looked at Ty. “Looks like you got hit by a bus, and it was only a truck. What’s wrong with you?” “I didn’t get any sleep last night.” He said nearly falling asleep standing there talking to Shona and Kate. Kate smiles sympathetically. “Good because I would have punched you if you had slept a minute knowing you’d almost killed Shona.” “You’d punch me anyway.” Ty replied slouching against the lockers. Shona closed her locker and looked at them. “Help me to class?”

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