Sibling Rivarly

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Sammy laid on her bed, typing on her phone and giggling occasionally. "Hehe this is the best." She said and scratched her belly that poked out of her shirt. Since her parents were gone she spent most of her days wearing nothing but her shirt and underwear while laying around on any comfortable surface.

Bryce however was down stairs currently mopping the floors and groaning in frustration. "Damn lazy sister." He muttered and thought back twenty minutes when his sister shoved more chores off on him. "She gets to lay on her fat ass and stuff her face all day while I'm busting my ass on chores." He growled and finished mopping.

Sammy and Bryce's parents had been gone for about two weeks now and he had spent most of them cleaning or cooking while his sister got to be lazy 24/7.

He sat in the couch and sighed heavily. "Finally done." He said and began to smile when he felt two hands slap down on his shoulders.

"Nope!" Sammy said in a cheery voice which caused Bryce's smile to instantly fade. "You're going to get groceries because we're almost out."

Bryce stood up and turned to Sammy. "I just went to the store last week, and why can't your fat ass go to the store?!" He shouted at Sammy.

Sammy giggled and patted her stomach. "Well I've just been eating a lot, and I just don't want to walk all the way to the store." Sammy said and leaned against the wall looking tired just from standing there.

"Then use the car idiot!" Bryce said, tossing the car keys to Sammy.

Sammy simply let the keys hit her belly and fall to the floor with a jingle. "Ugh but it's hard to fit my butt in the seat." Sammy whined and turned to walk up to her room. "Just go get groceries for your loving big sister."

"Big is an understatement." Bryce muttered and picked up the keys. "I am definitely gonna get payback against that cow." Bryce left to get groceries leaving Sammy home alone.

Sammy made her way back downstairs and peaked around to make sure Bryce had left. When this was confirmed she went to the laundry room and opened the bottom cabinet of a dresser. Underneath extra bed sheets was a stockpile of junk food.

"Ah my stash is looking beautiful as always~" She smiled and pulled out a bag of chips. She sat on the floor and leaned against the washing machine, spreading out, and placing extra snacks between her thighs. "Now I can have an extra snack before her gets back."

Sammy opened a bag of chips and shoved a handful into her mouth. "Mm nothing beats this." She sighed happily and shoved another handful of chips in her mouth. "With mom and dad out of the country, and Bryce being a push over, I can just lay around and eat junk food all day."

Sammy continued to stuff herself with chips and even went on to cramming snack cakes into her mouth. She moaned at the flavor and relished ever second of her secret gorging fest.

Meanwhile at the store Bryce had began putting his plan into its first phase. He bought as much food as he could fit into the cart, and planned out recipes for Sammy. "I need to make this plan perfect so I should probably triple the size of these meals." Bryce nodded and spoke aloud as he gathered groceries, and other supplies. "Get ready for one hell of a sibling rivalry sis." He smiled mischievously.

Got the idea for this from Danyantto's photo and from Chxbber.flubber's story on a similar topic or sibling rivalry.

Comment  if  there's anything you'd want me to add to the next chapter which will be coming out soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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