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"My prince and princess,"Gorfeenda roared, "my wings are healthier and grander than everbefore, let us be off, and fly to Hidden Gale City."

"Did you hear that Timothy?" Sammy said sweetly. "Now we can be wed, let's go my prince."

"Okay my princess!" Timothy said delightfully.

The dragon roared again as the wind blazed over her wings and the children were seated. "Once you two are married then the kingdoms will unite and stop warring for as long as that marriage will last, but you must not have relations until you are eighteen years of age. A time of peace I fore see in our future."

The emerald dragon flew over the clearing while the kids waved bye

to Minnie and her boys and they waved back. Blasting north-east and a eight hour flight, Gorfeenda, Timothy, and Sammy flew to Hidden Gale City.

It was night out now and the torches of the dragon riders could be seen, thousands of them. The party landed on a giant rock of land very high in the sky. The landing area had soldiers with torches and trees with lanterns

lighting The Way and the Great Stair. The Way was a brick road with dragons pulling carriages and passers-by; it led to a very long and steep set of steps called the Great Stair.

As the party walked along The Way citizens and soldiers cheered for them: Hooray! Our prince and princess are safe, hooray!

Sammy told a soldier what happened to them, then he said, he will notify the Steward of Hidden Gale City at once.

Timothy talked along The Way and the Great Stair. He said, "there are still trials ahead for us. Gorfeenda, you did a good job of overcoming wrath by controlling your anger and being patient with us and you overcame sloth by avoiding physical laziness, but, you still have five deadly sins to overcome. And Sammy our trial is to preach about Jesus Christ despite who might not like it.

When they finally reached the city area by walking along The Way and the Great Stair, they realized they haven't slept for three days, and a soldier by order of the Steward of Hidden Gale City, led them to a palace where they would have furnished rooms and a royal barn for the dragon to sleep in.

After the party slept the Steward of Hidden Gale City greeted them, he said he has rewards for Gorfeenda.

"There is a feast in your honor Gorfeenda, for saving the children."

She agreed to go, but would only eat a little. The dragon overcame gluttony.

"Gorfeenda, you are also invited to join the breeding grounds, only the the top breeds of your species could ever join, so you should know."

"No," the dragon declined and overcame lust. She also over came envy and pride over the other dragons in the breeding grounds.

There are two more things I have to offer you Gorfeenda, one, will you take this large sum of gold as a reward?" The Steward of Hidden Gale City held out his hands with shimmering gold.

"No," the dragon said. "I have enough gold already, give it to charity for me."

Gorfeenda came over the last of the seven deadly sins, greed.

"Okay, I will," he said. "And two, will you be the ring bearer for Timothy and Sammy?"

"Yes," the dragon agreed. "I would love to."

Then he turned to Sammy and Timothy."Will you two join us for lunch outside the palace? Its Gorfeenda's feast of honor."

"Yes, of course," Timothy said and Sammy nodded in agreement.

Three hours later the party met inside a large tent, Timothy and Sammy didn't sit in seats of honor because that was reserved for Gorfeenda. About a hundred people showed up for the feast and they gave cheer to the dragon, they ate pizza with milk and wine, and salad with chicken wings.

After the meal the Steward of Hidden Gale City announced Timothy's and Sammy's wedding to be at 1:00 in the afternoon outside the palace, two hours from now.

The dragon met with Timothy and told him to ride on her back, so he did. Gorfeenda traveled into the city for thirty-minutes, they ended up at a magician's shop. The dragon told Timothy to get down and take the test, to see if he's a real magician. So Timothy got down and went inside. The test only cost a small amount of gold. He was told to read various tomes and try to cast the spells, from novice to master, but Timothy failed at every attempt.

The shop owner told Gorfeenda, who was waiting outside, that Timothy was no Magician and that his ability to predict the future and heal the sick must come from another source, maybe his God. The dragon was astonished and believed his claims about Jesus Christ was true.

In an hour and thirty-minutes later the wedding was about to start.

Timothy was dressed for the wedding and came with the priest and best man who was one of Minnie's boys, they waited at the altar.

The groomsmen and bridesmaids came next in pairs. When Sammy came down the aisle with her father music started, a very calming and cheerful song with piano and stringed instruments.

Then Gorfeenda came the aisle as the ring bearer.

When the priest started speaking, Timothy, Sammy, and Gorfeenda had a change of heart; and when the priest got to the vows it became even worse, especially the part about Sammy having to wear a chastity belt until she is eighteen.

So Gorfeenda laid down and the children quickly sat on her back, in seats, and they flew off knowing they made the right choice, that weddings are not for children, but, the Steward of Hidden Gale City and his royal guard threw fireballs and lightning at Gorfeenda in an attempt to stop their escape, but failed.

The party was chased by dragon riders, but, they wouldn't dare follow them to Minnie's house, for that was near the Forbidden Forrest where many dangers lie.

It was the party's plan to live with Minnie and her boys, while at times, secretly, going on jaunts to various kingdoms to preach about Jesus Christ (which was now more dangerous than ever) and heal the sick.

In the mean-time Hidden Gale City would try other attempts to make the warring kingdoms have peace, until Sammy and Timothy become eighteen and old enough for a wedding.

Timothy and Sammy woke up from the dream under blankets and smooth pillows. Nap-time was over.

Timothy and Sammy talked about the dream they shared together. "The story went almost exactly as I had planned for the building block toys, except in the end we got married, but in the dream we had a change of heart and we were not married," he said.

"I like this outcome better," she said, "then we can get married as adults, which is much better."

"I agree with you Sammy," he said.

Then they started thinking of marriage in real life, and they bonded.

"Timothy," Sammy said. "Will you come to the class dance with me instead of Carl?"

"Sure, I would love to," Timothy said. "How about we dance right now too?"

"Okay," she agreed.

So they danced in the play room until it was time for Sammy to leave.

Sammy and Timothy's Adventure with GorfeendaWhere stories live. Discover now