Sammy and Timothy's Adventure with Gorfeenda

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One day a boy had a crush on a girl. His name was Timothy, her name was Sammy. It was a cold raining morning in February and the boy had a thought in his head. This thought was will I or will I not ask Sammy to the school dance?

As he stepped on to the icy pavement he knew the answer. Yes, today I will ask Sammy out whether or not she rejects me. And as he stepped twice another thought emerged: I will go to that dance whether or not I have a dance partner. He pumped his right fist with indignation and walked his way to school after saying goodbye to his mom. He was eight years old and in third grade at St. Adalbert school.

St. Adalbert of Prague had five brothers and was a well educated man. He became a priest then the bishop of Prague. In his later years he became a missionary in Prussia, but Adalbert was martyred in April 997 for not staying away from the sacred oak groves.

As he walked through the crowds of students—even some late teachers, he made his way into the building.

"First floor," he said, "that's where my stop is."

As he opened the door he felt the warm presence of his peers, even though he was early, but not Sammy, no sign of her, he wondered if she would show up; but there she was a moment later wearing her pink coat and purple scarf.

"There's my princess," he said to himself.

He waited for Sammy to put away her winter weather apparel and to sit down, then he approached her.

"Hi," he said with his back foot waging like a short dog's tail.

"Hi," she said in return with her famous tooth gapped grin, which did little to hamper her beauty.

Timothy took a deep breath and opened his right hand all the way, he said: "Sammy, will you go to the dance with me?" His tone was nervous.

"I would but I'm going with someone else, sorry," she said.

"Oh, well I could go with someone different then," he said.

Then just about when Timothy was going to sit down, Sammy said: "But you know, maybe we could hang out at the party after the dance, what do you think Timothy?"

"Sure, but how about today instead, after school?" Timothy said then added, "because I'm not going to that party. We could, Sammy, hang out at my house."

"Your place sounds nice," she said sweetly then giggled.

What a prince, she thought, he's almost as cute as Carl, the one who is my dance partner.

"So its a date?" Timothy said.

"Sure," Sammy said shyly then laughed as she was blushing.

Right on! Timothy thought. Maybe I can get her to change her mind and be my dance partner after all!

It was a thrilling morning and afternoon at school for both Timothy and Sammy. They both waited expectantly for their date together, which they thought would be splendid.

As the day at school went on Timothy gave his address and phone number to Sammy, and she accepted it with joy.

They studied math, reading, social studies and science and had the homework to plan for a religion test.

After school and in the car drive home, Timothy and Sammy told their parents about the date, but they didn't actually call it a date, just that they were meeting a new friend after school, and to Sammy it was just a school kid, trying to get away without mentioning he was a boy because she knew her father would say no.

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