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chapter 1.

Shakotah Mom calls from up thers stairs. I'm coming ma I need to change first, I quickly jump up and put on my baggy clothes were mom can't tell I'm pregnant. I've been hiding it for about three months but im scared to tell her.

I get my phone and see that I have three miss calls from Allen, I call back we talked on the phone then I ran down stairs. mom im not that hungry, cut the bull shit shay i know!

you know what I ask? That you're pregnant did you really think that you could hide it forever. I look down in shame im sorry I didn't tell you I didn't no how you would react. well in one way im happy for you and in the other I want to beat the hell out of you for not telling me. but.........

no buts Shakotah levah maske. who's the dad do you even no? I start to cry its Allen. awe baby why are you crying cause he just left me, he promised he was going to be there and he up and left.

I don't think I can or do I want to have to raise this baby by myself.

now hush that up girl, come on your going to the Dr. right now I ask? yes that's what i said isn't it?

I got in the car there was nothing but dead silence. when we get there about 45 minutes late

      we finally get a room. miss maske im going to do the ultra sound. I dont know if you have ever had one done but this  will be easy. take off you shirt.

once im shirtless I lay back on the bed, he puts this warm jelly stuff on my stomach and rubs this thing that looks kinda like a.... a wand yeah that's what I was thinking of. I hear two heart beats. youre having twins. I get hysterical i was so happy yet so nervous cause I didn't under stand that their was any way that I could ever be pregnant with twins!!!

mom calls lexxy, and my cousin lisa, they put it on a three way call. well shakotah is having twins!  I hear lisa and lexxy screaming yay! Ha thers saying yay but there not the one that is holding two babies in there damn stomach..

Allen's point of view.

I can't believe I left her I mean just cause things get hard im not supposed to leave the woman I love im such a ass hole. what if she never forgives me? I know ill call her! wait what if her mom answers?  how am I going to explain why kotah is crying? maybe I should just come out and tell her the truth that Shakotah's pregnant and im the daddy and I didn't think I was ready so I up and left? yeah i dont think that would settle well on anyone's behalf.    damn im soooo stupid how could I leave her???? shes pretty cool and the sweetest girl I have ever met! I have to get her back I know that I can do it. I believe in my self...

Shakotah's point of view


   so he left me im pregnant with twins. and he doesn't even want to be with me! did I do something wrong? maybe i was a bad girlfriend.. what if im going to be a bad mom.... all of these thoughts rushing through my head I have to go to Lisa's house she is the only one that will understand me. then Jordan calls me.

so let me tell you a little bit about Jordan he is so perfect me and him had a thing in the past even though its over now I still miss him like crazy. when Jordan calls all he says is " I'm sorry ma I know I just did something terrible", I asked what and he said don't ask question's you don't want answers to. But obviously you wanted me to know because you called me so spill. "well me and Lexi broke up and she started talking shit so I told her that I never really loved her that I was just using her to holla at you" how could you do something like that Jordan I hang up, then there is a knock on my door. I go to the door and its Allen I let him in "shay we need to talk" I responded we have nothing to talk about you left me and that's the end of it. but baby I know I made a mistake I love you and I don't want to loose you, well to late I get my phone and start to walk out the door. I didn't realize but Jordan didn't hang up. then Allen hit me your not going a damn place without my permission then Jordan comes busting through the door and attacks Allen he looks at me and sees that im unconscious on the floor and he beats Allen nearly to death. Jordan called the cops and explained what happened. I shit you not that whole damn police deoparment was there within ten minutes carrying Allen's body out.

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