Pills Don't Help But It Sure Is Funny

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Cj's POV

I knew one day I would like to be a mom, if I made it that far in life, which I did...surprisingly. Gerard has always been there for me no matter what. I always told myself once I got out of the orphanage when I got to age 18 I would kill myself. But he changed that. Of course Mk and Zach have always been there too. But I'm glad I lived cause I wouldn't have these beautiful children that I have now. And I wouldn't have my wonderful husband. Okay now I'm going to get on with the story.

It was the first day of school for Blake and Max I could tell they weren't excited at all.

"Can't we just stay home for one more day?" Max asked innocently.

"I wish I could buddy but you have to go." I said leaning down to his level. "Just be around Blake, okay?"

"Okay." He replied sadly "Can we at least watch Star Wars when we get home?"

"Of course." His face brightened up a little bit.

"Come on Max let'ssss goooo!!" Blake yelled at him from the front door. Blake and Max were very mature for their age. I mean they were only 5 years old.

"Alright I'm coming." Max yelled back at her. I held back a "that's what she said" joke in with all my maturity which might I add, took a lot. I got my keys for the car and shooed them out the door. I drove them to school but on the way I told them I was just going to drive them for today but then they had to take the bus.

"Alright guys have a great day at school I want to hear all about it when you get home." I said as I hugged each of them. "Bye guys have fun!" I yelled to them as I watched them run off to the front doors. I stayed there for a bit just thinking. But when I finally drove off I put on some MCR because who doesn't want to listen to them when you just dropped your kids off at school? I sang along to I'm Not Okay (I Promise). When I got home I decided to text my dad.

Me: I just dropped Blake and Max off at school and now the house is naked and I'm bored.

Gerard: That was a lovely way to put it Cj, thank you. You can come over if you want.

Me: Yes please.

Gerard: Okay see you here. Love you

Me: Love you too dad

Gerard: Bye sweetie

Me: Bye

I shut off my phone and grabbed my keys once again. I started heading over to my parents house. I stopped at a red light and waited. When it turned green I started to go then I looked over to see a car heading straight for me. Then I saw blackness.

Gerard's POV

I'm starting to get worried now Cj left 4 hours ago and it only takes 10 minutes to get to my house from her house. I decided to call Zach.

Zach: Hey Gerard what's up?

Me: Have  you see Cj recently?

Zach: Just this morning when I left for work. Why? Is something wrong?

Me: I have no idea

Zach: Well I'll call her and see what happened.

Me: I tried that like 50 times

Zach: Okay I don't know. And I'm um kinda busy..

Me: Too busy to be worried about your wife? One sec I'm getting a call

I clicked end call and answered the new call.

Me: Hello?

Operator: Yes, is this Gerard Way?

Me: Yes, is something wrong?

Operator: Cj Way got into a car accident, a severe one.

Me: Oh my God

Operator: I'm very sorry, would you like to come see her?

Me: Yes, yes please

The operator gave me the information and I headed to the hospital.

Adopted by Brendon Urie and Gerard Wayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن