Chapter 5: A sort of normal day....

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It's been two days since I punched Emily's boyfriend in the face. Emily hasn't been answering my calls, voice mails, and emails. Even text messages. I think she's pissed off at me. But she has to understand I was bullied all my life, and that brought back some rage, and being broken from Jackson didn't help. I tried calling her again a few minutes ago. Still no answer. I decided to just let it go and maybe she'll get over it or something. besides, she does know she's my only friend left...

I was sitting at my desk in Jack's room, doing my school work on his computer. Jack was still sleeping. I tried not to wake him up, so I typed a quiet as I could. But that didn't help. He woke up from the sound of my fingers hitting the keys. I looked over at him. "Morning beautiful" He said to me, in the sexy, hoarse voice of his, that he has in the morning. I smiled. "Good morning, sexy!" I replied, cheerily.

We stared at each other for a few minutes. He gestured me to come into the bed with him. "Come cuddle with me babe." He said, in his hoarse voice. I logged out of my school work, and got in the bed. He put his arms around my stomach, and pulled me into his chest. "You have work at two, right?" I asked him, rolling over to look at him. He nodded, then smiled. "I just want to lay here for awhile with you, and just hold you're beautiful self..." His voice trailed off. He gazed into my eyes. "I have to ask you this, I know it's a bit weird to ask, but I gotta know babe.." He said. I just nodded. "Okay....Are you...a virgin..?" I was shocked at the question.. Why would he ask that? Should I tell him..? Should I just answer the question?

He could tell I didn't know what to say. He sighed. "You don't have to answer..I shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry. I'll go take a shower." He got up and walked into the bathroom. I was still shocked. I decided to just let it go, and forget he asked me that. But the problem past...And this month is October..and tomorrow is my birthday...the 5th. My step-father, Donny, has been trying to call me every year on my birthday, since my mother died, when I was 14.  I hope he doesn't have my number..

I'll go back to my school work.


I had t ask her the question. I just had to! "Okay....Are you...a virgin..?" I  could see the shocked look on her face right when I asked her. Ugh! You idiot! Why did I ask her that now?!

I sighed. "You don't have to answer..I shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry. I'll go take a shower." I got up and walked into the bathroom. Ugh, you stupid idiot!  She probably thinks that all I want from her is sex! Ugh, stupid! I gotta take a shower and think about wat to say to her, afterwards.


I was sitting there...thinking about telling him. Should I..? No! I can't tell him! It might ruin our relationship. We've only been dating for two days. I decided to let it pass.. I heard Jack walk into the room. I didn't bother looking at him. i couldn't look at him right now.. Just then my wound started hurting. It was like someone was punching me in the stomach. Oh god! I fell to the floor holding my stomach. This has been happening for the past two days, since I came back. Jack knows that it goes away after a while. "Can I get you anything babe?" He asked me. I couldn't speak well..But I tried.." W..wa..water...fre...freezing, cc..ccoold...waater..." I managed to say. Jack nodded, and walked out of the room. Oh the pain was unbearable! I couldn't take it anymore! I have to buy pain pills!

Jack came back into the room with ice cold water. He gave it to me, and I drank the whole cup. The water felt soothing inside my stomach, helping the pain from the wound.

I need pain pills...But how can I pay the doctor for them..? "I have some..." Jack said. "They are prescribed for my back, when I was in a car accident. You can take some for your wound if you need them...I can tell you were thinking about getting some type of pain medication. And I assume you won't be cutting for awhile, because that's some constant pain there..?" He asked. How did he know I self harmed?!?!? I guess he must've say the shock on my face because he said this, "I saw the three blades you have, in your book bag..I picked it up from the floor to put it in the closet, and they fell out.." I had to think of something different.."I don't cut...they're for my hair, since I hate using scissors..." My voice trailed off...

He laughed. "Ooh don't play that game with me..When you got trashed that night, I saw some scars, some cuts some were deep...and others, not so much. I'm not going to judge you. Don't worry babi girl! It's okay.." He helped me up off the floor, and sat me on the bed. I laid my head on the pillow, and stretched out on the bed. Jack laid next to me. I gazed into his baby blue eyes. i leaned forward and softly kissed him. I turned to look at the clock... Only 11:23.. "Yes..I am..' I told him. leaning in for another kiss. He cocked his head back in confusion. "Think about it babe.." I said to him. A few minutes past and he was still confused. I sighed. "I'm a virgin, you dimwit..." I told him, and laid my head back down.. Jack nodded.

"So, you didn't have sex with Jackson?" he asked me. I shook my head no. "We got close, but I stopped..I realized didn't want him to take my virginity..." I said softly. Jack started kissing down my neck. He found my g-spot. He sucked on it, leaving a mark. "There, now people will know you're mine." He winked at me.

He started kissing me softly. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I accepted, and opened my mouth. We fought for dominance, and I won. I explored his mouth with my tongue. It was good. He pulled off my shirt as we were kissing, and I pulled off his too. He started to unzip my pants. "Wait. Jack...I'" He cut me off.."Ready..? Okay. Well I gotta get ready for work..." Jack started to get up, but I pulled him back to me. "Is that all you wanted? Sex?" I asked, softly. "No..I just didn't think you wanted to do anything else.." he replied. lowering his head. I leaned in to kiss him. " You have like two or so hours..Cuddle with me, and talk to me.." I said smiling. He nodded and kissed me back.


I wake up to the sound of Jack's alarm clock.. Ugh, it's 1:30...He has to go to work..But  just want to cuddle and sleep all day with him! Where is he anyway? e's not in the bed..

Jack walked into the room and shut off the alarm. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you..But I have work..Go back to sleep." I decided to go back to sleep..He works until ten tonight, so I closed my eyes. He kissed me on the forehead and I heard him walk out of the room. I soon fell into a deep sleep...


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2014 ⏰

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