Chapter 1

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I walked into the interview room for my upcoming full time job. The pay looks decent although the working hours is going to be hectic. I sat on the chair in the room and took a deep breath.

"So, Miss (y/n), why do you want to join our company?" The interview started. After the interview, they informed me that they will call me when I'm hired. As for the time I'm waiting for the call, I will be packing my room and preparing for the job.

As a walked down the cold winter street back home, I bumped into a guy. "Ah! I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" The voice was really low and soothing. I looked up to see a really charismatic man in his early twenties. "I-I'm alright, thank you." I hurriedly bowed in apology and rushed home.

Taking off the coat and heaving a sigh, I walked towards the couch and plump down on it. It seems like I had lost the motivation to pack... Oh well, nap time.

Days passed and I was slowly losing hope with the job interview. But just as I was about to look for a new job, my phone rang and the human resource manager informed that I was hired for the job and I should get ready to start the day after.

Soon, the day has finally came. My first day working at Starship Entertainment. I applied for a position of a makeup artist or a stylist since I love to dress up. It has always been my dream and I have finally made it!

I put on my best piece of outfit, high waisted vintage jeans and a loose button up shirt and a sun hat paired with a pair or combat boots. It was a really striking and colourful combination and I hope this would earn me a few good first impressions from my seniors.

As I skipped into the building, I reported to the conference room that they asked me to report to. In that room was the manager I spoke to before and he told me to wait for the guest that I would be assigned to during my time working here. I sat down for a while and took a good look around and awkwardly facing the manager. Fidgeting with my fingers and tapping my foot as the time pass really slowly.

What's taking them so long??? Geez!

As soon as I made the complaint in my head, the door knocked and the manager let them in. Seven really good looking boys walked in and stood behind the manager. They were followed by a few staffs behind before shutting the door.

"(Y/n), let me introduce you to Monsta X and their stylist. Monsta X and my dear colleagues, this is (y/n). She'll be working with you guys from now on." He introduced. A few muffled comments were passed among themselves. I could only make out a few nasty remarks and some nice ones. Some said my outfit was so yesterday but some said I love the oldies pop art style.

"Good morning everyone, I'm (y/n). I just finished high school and I'm pursuing my dream to be a stylist. My outfit today is inspired by the pop art comic book culture. I like switching up my style everyday. And of course as a newcomer, I would like to thank you in advance for taking good care of me." I bowed and made my introduction.

"Alright then, welcome to the team (y/n)!" They all clapped. After the meeting, I followed them to the dressing room where I have to prepare them for their upcoming interview.

"(Y/n), I'm assigning you to I.M. Please get him a suitable outfit that matches the other members." The senior stylist informed me. I nodded before looking at the rack filled with clothes. My heart thump as most of them were expensive clothing that I've always wanted and I could do tons of look books with it! I gasped as I looked through the clothing before I was interrupted.

"Hi, I'm sorry to disturb. I'm I.M. I was informed that you were my stylist from now on. Nice to meet you." At first I had heard, "I am I am."

"Sorry? I am I am?" I asked. He chuckled and told me, "I.M is my stage name, I'm Chang Kyun." That made me burst out in laughter but I was cut short as I remember that voice. That low and soothing voice that I bumped into the other day.

"Just wondering, were you the one I bumped into the other day?" I asked while picking a shirt for him. Apparently their theme is to be all white today.

"Yes I am I am." He just had to make that joke.

"Hahahahaha that's a good one Chang Kyun oppa." I handed him a white tee shirt and an oversized windbreaker. "Hold on while I pick a pants for you, man you guys have way more clothes than I do."

"I don't need pants. I can just walk out like this and fans would still love me." He joked. I scolded him as there are fans that maybe younger than eighteen years of age. But still, his jokes made me laugh.

I pulled out a white shorts and handed it to him. Without warning, he took off his shirt in front on me to change.

"Oh my carrot juice, please wait for me to leave!" I jumped and covered my eyes.

"What? We do this all the time." He replied and walked closer to me still shirtless and teasing me. I sighed and left the room calmly and go prepare the makeup and hair styling tools.

He walked into the room and sat down on the chair in front of me. We had a small chat to get to know each other a little more. He said he used to live in Boston for 3 years and 4 years in Israel hence his English was pretty fluent. He also pulled the "Could you please give me water" trick and I laughed at his attempt.

He is really witty and humorous. He can have trouble expressing himself which made him really quiet most of the time, but he is really derpy and funny. It was great just talking to him. "Oh yes, your outfit brought me back to the old times when I was watching cartoons with all those tacky colour schemes. It's really nice!" He complimented.

"Why thank you! I was starting to think I was being critiqued and made fun off by this hideous outfit." I smiled.

"I.M are you ready?" The producer asked. He stood up held out his hand.

"Thank you for this awesome outfit and makeup. It was great working with you." He took my hand and shook it. "My honour." I bowed.

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