Chapter 07 ♡ To Mount Ebott

Start from the beginning

She continued running. Bloom had no idea where this will lead, but somehow she knew where the child will end up. Her small and frail body just kept going, and going... and going...

...then she stopped to breathe.

The child's panting was just about loud enough to be heard from 3 kilometer radius from the child's spot. Her lungs begged for air as she continued breathing. Her legs, even though strained from the seemingly endless running, still had the energy left to keep her up.

"Please..." she whispered. "Leave me be..."

The solemn silence was broken by a loud voice, booming through the forest. "There --- is! After ---!"

This caused her to resume running despite the apparent lack of energy. Her strained legs were painful and her eyes were getting blurry, that she did not notice the tree root on the ground. She tripped, rolled down, and fell into an abyssal hole...

So, this is it? Bloom asked herself. This is my end...




"Wake up, Bloom!"

She awoke to a gasp, her body cold and sweat rolling down her forehead. She looked around, slightly panicked. The redhead finally calmed down her beating heart when she realized that the people waking her were the Winx. Bloom sighed, knowing she was alright.

Concern was evident on their faces when they heard Bloom talking in her sleep. The moment Flora heard, she checked on the girl, but from her soft protests of leaving her, she became worried and tried to wake her up. That failed however, and it became apparent that Bloom was having a nightmare. It took almost the whole group to get her awake.

Now, she's sitting down and drinking Flora's herbal tea.

"What happened, sweetie?" Flora asked. "You were talking in your sleep, and you were breathing heavily as if you were being chased."

Bloom shook her head, unsure. "I was... I was... gah, I can't remember. It's blurry now, but I remember running from people as a child, and that was not me."

The girls' concern intensified a little. In an attempt to shake it off, Flora just motherly stroke Bloom's hair and said, "Just a bad dream, really. Let's not worry about it."

The redhead sighed. "Alright," she replied. "Let's get prepared. There's still a long way to go."

While putting down the tents and rolling their sleeping bags, Bloom couldn't help but think. Was she really the only one who had those kinds of dreams? Strange, she thought. I may or may not be the only one who dreams about being a child and facing monsters and running from adults. The others have different dreams or none at all. Yet, why do I have these...? Are they memories?

More importantly, what do they have to do with me?

She didn't realize that she was already finished packing her things. Bloom was so lost in thought, that she only knew when she had nothing else to place in her knapsack. She chuckled, then slung her knapsack on her shoulders. The redhead looked at the others, seeing they're just about done. Ready to hike, she settled up ahead in a small distance.

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