Bắt đầu từ đầu

"What?" he asked.

"So when is it?"

"When is what, Tenma?"

"When will you settle down?"

Tsurugi and Shinsuke sweatdropped at his question.

"T-Tenma, i think Tsurugi is too young to get married.."

"I didn't talk about marriage."

"But you said 'Settle Down', Tenma." Tsurugi reminded. Tenma sighed at his word. Sometime Tsurugi is either too dense or too innocent. "Girlfriend! I mean, girlfriend!!"

Tsurugi rolled his eyes. This is one of his least favorite topic. "Not interested."

"That's ironic since you have a load of fans."

"Except there's a girl who don't bother to put on make up and would act less sassy in front of a guy... Oh, and become a good partner in coversation and soccer, i'll re-think about it." Tsurugi said, before burrying his face in his arms.

Tenma and Shinsuke thought about Tsurugi's words. Thinking about the most fitted girl for the job.

"Let's see.. Hates make up, then less girly i suppose." Shinsuke said. "Aoi and Akane won't fit."

"Act normal, fun to talk with and likes soccer.." Tenma mumbled. "Midori-san?!"

Shinsuke shooked his head. "Nah. Midori-senpai belongs to Nishiki-senpai.."

Both of them tried to think again until a vivid picture of someone popped in their head.



"Hee! I think he's a 3'rd year!"

"Yeah, i saw him on basketball team!"

"Kyaa! Aoi-chan is going out with upperclassman!"

The other girl were to busy stalking Aoi and a 3'rd year boy, and Haruka was one of those girl. But not on the same boat of course. She was making sure that Aoi was fine.

'Who is that boy? I don't know him! Is he going to confess or something? Or maybe he's not a good one?!'

Haruka kept thinking for herself until a voice brought her back.

"Please date with me, Sorano-san!" the male said, bowing to the bluenette.

Aoi stammered for a while, embarassed and surprised. "U-Uhm.. Senpai, please stand properly."

The male nooded and stood straight again, waiting for Aoi to give the answer. He was waiting with full of hope, but it wasn't his lucky day.

"I'm so sorry, senpai. I can't."

It's almost like a huge brick slammed his face. "But, why? Did i do something wrong?"

"N-No, absolutely not. It's just i haven't got the good picture of you. don't you think it'll be better if we get to know each other first?"

"If that's what you're worrying then we can date first and know each other along the way! Can we?"

Aoi shooked her head nervously. 'This guy is really persuasive.' She thought. "H-How about friends first? I would really love to be your friend!"

The boy kept pushing his decision on Aoi until it blowed what inside Haruka's mind. Without even looking at the situation, Haruka walked right into the scene and enjoyed herself when she kicked the boy's leg until he fell down.

"Oi, my sister said she doesn't want a loser like you." she snarled. "So scram already..!"

Feeling that the problem is getting bigger, the boy gave up and walked away. Haruka sighed and patted Aoi's shoulder.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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