Ch. 7

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The fans for V.I.P started running in. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. This is it. I'm finally living my dreams.

Bailey and I started walking around with our body guards. Music was blasting and we were having a great time.

"Can I please have a picture with you guys?" A girl around 13 asked us.

"Of course. Martin take a photo please." I told the body guard.

He nodded and grabbed her phone. We smiled and took our photo. He handed her her phone and she thanked him.

"Thank you." She said and hugged me.

"No problem sweetheart." I said and continued walking.

Finally it was time for everyone else to come in so we all went into the break room.

"Do you like it so far?" Cam asked me.

"I love it. Meeting the fans, taking pictures, dancing, hanging with you guys. It's all so amazing." I said.

"Okay they're about to announce Aaron, than the Jacks. Places please!" Danny another one of the bodyguards yelled.

My heart started to beat faster, my palms were sweating and my hands were shaking. I was so nervous.

"I don't think I can do this." I breathed.

"Mackenzie, are you okay?" Cam asked.

"Y-yeah great." I stuttered.

"Listen. Don't be nervous. I was nervous my first couple of times too. All you got to do is breathe and think of them as family. They won't hurt you, I promise." Cam said.

"Thank you." I said and hugged him.

By now it was Bailey, Cam, Nash, Hayes and I left.

"Okay Hayes is up then Mackenzie!" Danny shouted.

I breathed in and out and stood at the door.

"And one of our new members Mackenzie Hamilton!" Bart yelled.

I put on my biggest smile and jogged out. I high fived the fans and walked to my station.

Once I was there Bailey arrived seconds later. She smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Its happening!" She shrieked.

The meet and greets had now started. I was taking pictures with hundreds of girls. They were all so nice.

Next a boy came up to me. He looked maybe a year older than me.

"Hey. My names Mike. I'm a huge fan." He said.

"Awh thank you! I hoped some guy fans would show up!" I said.

We got ready for our photo and he put a hand around my waist. He smiled and so did I.

"Can I uh kiss your cheek?" He asked.

"I don't see why not." I said.

Then we took a photo with him kissing my cheek and one where I kissed his cheek. He was so nice.

The day went on with meeting fans until we went up on stage.

"Okay. Let's pick fans to come up." Matt told me.

"I'll choose 3 and you choose 3." I said.

I chose one fan with a Matt shirt, the other one with an Aaron beanie and the last one who was balling her eyes out in a Cameron sweatshirt.

They all came back up to the stage with me and started dancing. It was great.

Take you down started to play and Cam started to dance. I laughed at all the girls screams.

"Come on!" He called over to me.

I shook my head and stayed in place. Cam laughed and ran over to me.

"You promised!" He said.

"I don't recall anything of that manner." I said in a horrible British accent.

"Fine." He said and picked me up.

"Cameron Dallas!" I yelled.

He placed me on the stage next to him and told the Dj to start again.

"It ain't my first baby girl, but babygirl we can pretend. Let's bump grind girl tonight will never end." The song played throughout.

I started to dance just like he had taught me and ended almost falling. Cam was such a great guy and I think we can become real close.

"Great job you guys!" Bailey shouted running up to us.

She hugged me and then hugged Cam.

"Alright! Well wasn't that great?!" Matt yelled into the microphone.

The crowd screamed and shouted.

"Now we have two of my best friends singing, Mackenzie and Shawn!" Hayes announced.

Me. Singing. Now?! I just had one of those moments where you forget all the words in the song. I froze.

"Mackenzie, come on." Shawn said in my ear.

"Uh, uh what are we singing again?" I asked.

"Wanted. By Hunter Hayes." Shawn said and sat down.

Then he started strumming his guitar and his beautiful voice was being heard through out the venue.

"Like everything thats green girl I need you. But its more than one and one makes two."

I stood there and than joined in at the chorus.

"I just wanna wrap you up wanna kiss your lips I, I wanna make you feel wanted. I wanna call you mine wanna hold you hand forever never let you forget yeah." I started to sing.

The fans seemed to like my voice so I kept singing along with Shawn. I was starting to get comfortable so I sat down on the edge of the stage and continued singing.

"Yeah, I wanna make you feel wanted. Baby I wanna make you feel wanted. You'll always be wanted." We finished off.

The crowd went insane with cheers and claps. I smiled and looked at Shawn. He smiled back at me and I looked at the other guys. They were clapping and chanting. Bailey gave me a thumbs up and I smiled.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I said into the microphone and walked off stage.


sorry this is kinda just a filler🙈

next chapter will be good i promise.

i love you all youre all worth it❤️


love triangle m.e. and c.d.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ