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The chapter is dedicated to Radioactive_Writer for the total awesome cover of my book. Thank-you!


I never thought that one diary would change my life. Honestly. I mean, you see that kind of trash only in movies and books. Some sad girl finds a boy's diary, reads it, gets touched and goes to give it back. Then they fall in love. Happy ending. That usual thing. Like I said, trash. Life doesn't work that way. There are no 'happy endings' in life- unless you die, that's different. It's just the way in which you perceive it.

No, I'm not being philosophical. Just stating the truth.

So, when I found that diary, it wasn't me or the world that changed. The only thing that changed was the way I looked at the world and the way it worked for me.

Let's start from the start. But then, does life even had a start? I can begin from any part of my life and show what a careless person I was. Spent money like time. Attended every single party which was my standard. Got with any girl who was my standard. But as you may have noticed, there was a certain line drawn that separated my standard from the others. And maybe that's what made me get the diary.

So let's start from the night I found the diary. It was a warm mellow night in mid-August worth living in. And as you may have guessed, I was in a party.

"Michael, is it me or is that girl looking at you?", said Tennyson Kirk, my friend, the host.

I took a swig from the beer bottle in my hand. "Which girl?" Tennyson jerked his head towards a group of girls. I followed his gaze and saw a pretty blonde with wavy curls staring at me. When her eyes met mine, she blushed and dropped her gaze.

"Yep. She is.", I stated. Tennyson laughed, "Interested?"

I studied the blonde. A good tan, ice blue eyes, short blue dress. "Interested."

After gulping down some more beer I walked up to the group of those five-six girls.

"Hey girls."  

"Hi Michael!." Some of them responded looking really flattered by my mere presence. Others, not so much. Maybe they were aware of my reputation. It didn't matter. The blonde mattered and she was shyly staring at my shoes.

"What's up girls? Having drinks?" I asked coolly.

Kershy, a girl from my own class, laughed shaking her head. "We don't drink Michael. Or did you forget it so soon?"

I scowled at her green eyes. I didn't remember her ever telling me about not drinking. How weird.

Then, to save my sorry rep, I said," I meant soft drinks, ladies." I checked out each girls' hand. Everyone but blondie held a cup.

"Why are you not having a good time?" I asked focusing on her. She blushed total pink. "Uh, I get sick easily. No cold drinks at night."

"Huh? That must totally suck. I'm Michael, by the way, and you?". I extended my hand. She shook it gently. "Maria"

"Lovely name, Maria" I said, still holding her hand. Now here's what the problem was. Blondie was hot, no doubt, but she seemed like a typical shy, good-girl. I decided to explore more and then do anything.

The song switched to a slow tune. "How about a dance? You and me?", I asked. Maria stared wide-eyed at me. The girls must've filled her in. Kershy and others were giving my wary looks. 

Then Maria shook her head. "No, sorry, I don't dance."

I let her hand drop. "No drinks, no dance. How are you even alive till now?", I asked. Really, I was curious.

Useless Diary of a Useless PersonWhere stories live. Discover now