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Chapter II: Brobdingnagian



Once upon a time, there was peace in Savanna's blog. Then it was HACKED!

There's nothing in this world could ever break my heart more than: 1.) My blog, hacked! 2.) The hacker posted a VERY SENSITIVE FILE of mine! 3.) Humiliating my best friend in the whole school by spreading the news of being CRAZY! 4.) All of this happening in ONE DAY!

Who could be cruel enough to do this to me? MrBubbleS sounds so suspicious. He even knew about me. I know it's time to panic, but all I could do is to curse this MrBubbleS for what he did to me!


It's time to go back to school. I feel like people would stare at me and whisper crappy things about my blog, but I kept reminding myself that I AM CHLOE today, not Savanna so calm down. That's when Ginger came running towards me across the hallway. I froze in my feet, afraid of what she's about to tell me.

"Chloe I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!" She shouted. Everybody looked at her. And I gave her a nervous laugh.

Please don't find out. Please don't find out. Please don't find out.

"W-what is it?" I asked innocently and gave her the widest smile I could ever master.

Please don't find out. Please don't find out. Please don't find out.

"Savanna posted an article about me!" She happily said. Not what I thought she would react but whaaaaat? "She knows me! It means... she's part of my circle! She could be one the vampires stalking me right? She's trying to ruin my life by blathering on about me being a vampire and wolf obsessed! That way she could-"

"Okay, okay, I get it! Let's go to class!" I stopped her before she could embarrass herself more than she already did.

When we got to pur homeroom, I saw Cody talking to his friends. "I'm gonna go and talk to Cody okay?" I told Ginger and she nodded. I went to him and excused him from his friends. I dragged him outside and he laughed.


"You're being weird. What do you want?" He asked.

"Do you know anyone who could help me with internet problems?" I asked.

He blinked once, twice and then rubbled his eyes. "I'm sorry what? Internet problems? Why would you have internet problems? You don't even use the internet and you're barely using your phone! How can you have...hahaha..." He started laughing hysterically.

What have I done to make this boy so mean to me? Oh wait, I think it's just because you NEVER used the internet and then suddenly you told him you have internet problems.

I slapped him in the face and he stopped laughing. "Shut up! It's my first time okay? I think there's something wrong with my laptop," I lied. There's nothing wrong with my laptop. But my account is hacked and that's something right? I need to find someone so could help me. But I felt like I was wrong for approaching this guy.

"That's probably a virus. It happens to almost all of the beginners. My grandpa wanted to learn how to use the computer, he almost blew it up."

"So do you know anyone?"

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