I Will Be All You Need!

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"Hey, Taylor, I'm about to leave." Emily had whispered into my ear. Ugh! It's too early! What is she doing up? It's Saturday..

"What? Where are you going? It's Saturday and almost 7am..."

She chuckled. "Silly, it's a Monday!" She kissed me on the forehead, and walked out of my room. "Byee!" I said in a low voice.

I rolled over to look at my wonderful boyfriend. He's so cute when he's sleeping. I rolled back over, and closed my eyes. Next thing I know, Jackson, my boyfriend, wrapped his arms around me

and pulled me close to him. I soon drifted back asleep.


I awoke to the smell of my favorite breakfast! Mmmm! I got out of bed, walked into the living room, no care of being half naked with Jackson's shirt over me. "Mmmm! Babe! Smells good!" He turned around and stared into my eyes. "I..Uh..made your favorite breakfast.." His voice drifted. "What?" I asked. He looked guilty. "Are you okay babe?"

"uh..Yeah. I'm fine! Here's your breakfast. I have work in an hour so I'm going to take a shower, and a friend of mine is taking me to work, so you can use the car to go shopping or something. I love you, so very much!" He had said. He kissed me on the cheek, and walked into our room.

He seemed a bit different. I wonder why he's letting me use the car, I mean, he hates it when I drive his car...He never has a friend to come over...He's acting very odd, but I won't think much about it.

As I finished eating, I started on my school work, since I do it online. A mustang had pulled up in front of our apartment. Probably his friend. I started reading my work again. He opened the door of our apartment. "HI! You must be Jackson's girlfriend. So young..But hi". I chuckled. "I'm 16. He's only four years older than me. Not a big deal. How old is your girlfriend?" I asked him.

Oh I um, don't have one at the moment." He had said in a low voice. That's a shocker..He's an attractive guy! Really! But I'd never be with him, as long as I have Jackson! my one and only!

Jackson walked out of the room into the living room, with his cute work uniform on. "Awe baby, you look so cute!" I told him. I walked up to him, and he pulled me close to him and gave me a big long kiss. "I got to go to work. I love you! Have a good day. Go shopping or something. The keys are on my dresser. Bye babe!" Is all he said. He shut the door behind him and ran to his buddy's car..Odd..Oh well, maybe they're late.

The guy had short back hair, he looked maybe 24, 25 years old. He was attractive. Maybe I should cheat on Jackson, show him what it feels like, even though he told me he'd never cheat ever again, I don't believe him!

I finished my school work, then went into my room, and took a nap.


"WAKE UP, GIRL WAKE UP!!!!!!!" I opened my eyes. I knew it was Emily. That's how she wakes me up. "Hey, how was school Em?" I asked her. "Good. hey I need to borrow the car! PLEASE?!" She asked me. "Okay. But be safe. Where you gonna go?" I asked her. "my boyfriends house, just for an hour or two. Okay? Thanks! Love you! Bye!" She grabbed the keys and ran outside, locking the door behind her. She's so into that guy, they've been dating for almost 6 months now! Crazy! She never keeps relationships this long! Oh well.

I decided to get up and get dressed. I put on blue skinny jeans, and a back tank top. As I shut the closet door, I heard the front door open. "Mm babe, you're a great kisser!"

Is that another girl I hear?! Oh please don't be Jackson! "Thanks, babe!" Oh god, it is Jackson! I almost started crying, but no! I have to be strong! This is the last time! No more chances! I'm moving out. I started texting Emily the whole thing, when I heard a familiar voice. "Hey, you shouldn't be doing this Jackson! What if Taylor comes home? I can't see her hurt! She's too innocent of a girl! Don't do this to her again!" It was that mystery guy! "Shut up! Now me and Jesse are going into Emily's room, so Taylor won't smell her. You keep watch and knock on the door if she comes home! Bye!" Jackson and Jesse walked into Emily's room, not seeing me, because I had the door shut. I heard Emily's door open then shut and the lock, locked.

I had enough. I grabbed both my suit cases, and filled them with all my shit. By the time I was done it was almost 4pm. I closed the suit cases. I grabbed my book bag, and stuffed my girly shit in it, with my makeup. There. Got every bit of my stuff. Nothing else. I was a clean freak so everything had always been easy to find and only in my closet and bathroom, neatly. I grabbed my book bag, and my two suit cases. I opened the door, put my phone in my back pocket, and walked into the living room. I set my suit case down, and put my phone on silent. The guy was in the kitchen, obviously not hearing me. I tapped him on the shoulder, and when he turned around to say something I cupped my hand on his mouth. "Don't say anything! Can you take me to Emily's boyfriend's house? I'll give you the directions. I know he's cheating on me again. I don't really care. He's not worth it. Please take me?" I whispered. He nodded and I uncupped my hand from his mouth. "Shh!" I whispered. I grabbed a piece of paper, and a pen, and wrote this:

"I know you are cheating on me again! With Jesse! I don't care. Really, I don't. I hope you're happy with her. Even though me and you were together for almost two years. It's okay. Well, I moved out, I'm sure Emily will too. Have a shit life! I hate you!


P.S. I sold the 10k ring you gave me! I got $3,000 for it! Bye!

I got done writing that, and set it on his dresser, by the time I was ready to leave Emily's door opened. I grabbed the guys arm, and ran outside with my suit cases and my book bag, and phone. I ran to his mustang threw my shit in his back seat and got in his car. He started it up. I saw Jackson reading the note and I had amazing vision, I saw a tear roll down his face. The guy was about to drive away. "Stop." I told him. He put the emergency brake down. I got out of the car, and ran into the apartment. Jackson looked at me. We stood within two feet of each other. Nothing to say.

I wiped the tear from his cheek. "I'm...Sorry...I should've listened to Jack! He told me I shouldn't do it again, but I just like other women. I think it's a good idea that you move out. I shouldn't hurt you again! I'm sorry." Jackson stared into my eyes. I smiled. "You did hurt me. Again. But, I understand you like other women, I like other guys, for example, Jack, I fell for him a little bit. i was thinking on cheating on you, so you could feel the hurt I feel, but I don't think you will ever feel that way. Jackson, you're a dick! But I will always love you, no matter what, I just can't be with you anymore!" I kissed him one more time, then walked outside to Jack's mustang.

I got in his car, and buckled in. "so, Jack, now I know your name. Let's go to Emily's boyfriend's house. I'll give you the directions, and hopefully I can stay there until I can get some more money to get an apartment." I gave him the directions and he took me to her boyfriend's house.

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