A Cute Little Psycho

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Dear Aaron,

I love you.

I'm terribly sorry that things have ended this way, we were supposed to be able to grow old together and live a very happy life; together.

You and I both know that our love for one another was the strongest, most real love that has and will ever exist. Our love for one another is rare and hardly found in a relationship nowadays. That's why when you do find love like ours, you don't let it just slip through your fingers.

So, please, understand that everything I did was to save our love, Aaron. Nothing I did was to hurt you.

Aaron, I knew the moment our eyes met in our tenth grade math class that we were meant to be, the universe was giving me a signal and telling me that you were the one. After a couple shared glances in the hallways, I knew you loved me the way I loved you.

Although a couple weeks later you started dating that bitch, Jessica Robbins. Jessica freakin' Robbins. What did Jessica have that I didn't? I mean you and I both know I was prettier than her, I was even better than her in every freakin' category.

So, why did you stoop so low, Aaron?

What made Jessica so great?! 

I'm everything YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED!!!!

Yet, still having these questions in my mind, day in and day out... I couldn't let you just throw our love away and ruin your life with her. If you wouldn't do something about our love I would. So I went to Jessica one day and very nicely I told that bitch to, back the hell off of my man! But of course that bitch didn't take a hint, and kept touching what was MINE. All in all I stopped trying to reason with Jessica and decided I'd be the perfect lover and help YOU realize who was right for you.


People think that me 'following her around and sending threatening notes' makes me crazy. Isn't that funny, Me?..... Crazy?? I don't know how "Me and Aaron loving each other", sounds crazy at all?. Does that sound crazy to you??

Of course not.

Even though you didn't tell me directly you loved me, I knew you did. The way you looked at me when you would kiss her, the way you would put your hands on my shoulders and tell me to leave you alone... I knew it was just a front, I knew what and who you really wanted.

So no, Aaron, I don't regret what I did to Jessica, not one bit. Who would?! She deserved every little bit of pain she experienced the day I killed her. You should have seen her face when she walked into her apartment and I was standing right there. I remember her begging me to leave "Please let me go... Please don't do this".

How pathetic!

She didn't even try to fight. That's why when I drove the knife in her fourteen times, I felt no remorse. I was actually happy.

She was finally gone; for good!

She was no longer a threat to our relationship, to our love.

But here I am in jail over murder, when really it was just a love sacrifice. These people make me sound like a sociopath, even though they would've done the same damn thing for their lover; for the love of their life.

Aaron, I know you might not think it... but you will get through this. I know you can't imagine life without me but always know I'm thinking of you, most importantly, of our love. I will never forget you and you better not forget me, but I doubt you will.

I'm unforgettable.

Sincerely Your Cute Little "Psycho" <33333

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