Look in Her Direction

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AN: Hiya guys! I'm currently on summer break (yaaay!) so i'll be updating as much as I can! I really hope you like it! It centers mostly on Ben and Brooklyn, but features all the other characters/actual humans from Newsies! ALSO; DISCLAIMER: REAL SHOCK HERE, BUT I DO NOT OWN NEWSIES!!! I'm just here expressing my creativity in the few ways I know how to:)) so yeah! Credit where it is due :) thank you and hope you enjoy!

I woke up to what sounded like an explosion in the kitchen. 

What the hell is that? I wondered as I rubbed my tired eyes. 

It took me a second to register that it was Saturday morning, my mom was making breakfast. 

Not even a minute later, my dad started practicing his trumpet, seeming louder than ever.

 To top it all off, my sister began kicking her soccer ball at the garage door, which was right below my window.

 All at the ungodly hour of 10:30 in the morning.

"Seriously? All I ask is that I get to sleep in ONE Saturday...." I muttered to myself, rubbing my temples.

Since there was no way I was going back to sleep, I stretched my limbs as far as I could, just about every joint in my body responding with a sickening crack.

I smiled at the familiar sound, feeling a bit of the pressure within me relieved.

I placed my feet on the smooth hardwood floor of my room and as I attempted to stand, I had to sit right back down due to the shooting pain in my knee.

Ever since I had become a dancer (tap, specifically) at the young age of 5, my knees thanked me more and more as I got older.

I absentmindedly rubbed my knee as I thought back to the first time I learned I wanted to tap dance.

I was about the age of 5, and was seeing "Thoroughly Modern Millie" at the local high school that my dad was called to be in the pit for.

Besides falling in love with the show itself, I loved the tap scenes.

For some reason, it really entranced me.

All I remember from after the show was asking my mother if I could enroll in tap classes, rather than soccer like my sister.

Although she did not believe I would not enjoy it after a few weeks, she acquiesced and got me enrolled in a tap class the following day.

14 years later, I can't imagine myself doing anything else.

Nor could I imagine waking up without a shooting pain in my knee.

I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself; it just felt like it was going to be a good day.

I forced myself up and grabbed my knee brace off of my dresser, and made my way downstairs.

I came barreling down the stairs loudly, letting everyone know I was awake, not to mention a bit cranky.

I hated being woken up purposely.

My dad was sitting in the living room, trumpet in hand, watching in amusement as I trudged to the kitchen.

I glared at him as I walked by, him returning it with a giant smile.

I entered the kitchen silently, my mom humming as she stirred the eggs on the stove.

I grabbed my Gettysburg Address mug out of the cabinet and poured as much coffee as I could into the 10 ounce mug.

I dumped about half the creamer in, followed by some sugar and took a long swig, inhaling every ounce of caffeine I could in one gulp.

I took a seat at the kitchen table, alerting my mom of my presence when the chair squeaked against the tile.

"Good morning sweetheart!" My mom chirped as she served me a big Belgian waffle with some scrambled eggs.

"Mornin' mom." I replied with a yawn.

"How did you sleep?" She asked, turning off the stove and facing me.

"Well I was sleeping quite peacefully about 20 minutes ago until everyone decided it would be fun to wake me up." I replied dryly.

She gave me a sheepish smile.

"I told your father to wait but he didn't want to wait around for you. He 'has stuff to do'." She replied, sniggering at my dad.

He always claimed he had "things to do", but all that really entailed was golfing.

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