His Property

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If there's one thing that Feitan hates the most, it's sharing. He wouldn't share his things because they belong to him, and only him and the Phantom Troupe respected that. If anyone dares touch his property, they'll lose more than a head.

However, they were some idiots who just couldn't keep away from his property. Right now, he was busy watching Kalluto being surrounded by kids, apparently, they saw him practicing his Manipulation techniques, and the brats thought it was some kind of performance.

"Hey, miss! Can you do that trick again!"

"Yeah! Pleaseeeee!"

"Um... I--!" Kalluto looks around frenetically as the children all ganged up on him.

Kalluto doesn't know how to react to children around his age, must less someone younger than him.

Feitan was amused to see his property, getting so worked up, it makes him look even more irresistible; however, the brats were starting to get even more annoying, so he decided to step in.

"Get lost. You a bothered." Feitan says as he gives each of the kids a small glare.

However, one idiot decided to speak against him.

"Why should we?"

Feitan didn't hesitate for a second as he quickly grabbed the idiot by the neck and effortlessly held him up in the air, tempting to want to strangle the poor boy to death.

The idiot got scared and quickly tries to break free from his grip, but it was useless. The rest of the children backed away in complete fear while Kalluto looks at him with a surprised look on his face.

"You were saying?" Feitan taunted as he raised his other hand and stabbed the idiot in the chest. The boy screamed and coughed up blood before he went completely limped.

The children screamed and try to run away from him, but as soon as Feitan dropped the dead body, he sped over and loft off the kid's heads in one swift move.

Feitan then stares at the dead bodies with a sadistic gleam in his eyes before he turns around and looks at Kalluto, who was staring at the dead bodies with his open fan, hovering over his mouth.

"Looks like we have to find a new place to practice," Kalluto sighed.

Feitan placed his hands in his pockets and shrugged, "Let's go."

They both walked away from the bloody scene, and once they're far away, Kalluto decided to speak up, "Why did you kill them?"

"They annoying. So I shut them up." Feitan answered.

"Am I annoying?" Kalluto curiously asked.

Feitan stopped walking and look at him, he forgot that Kalluto was around the brats age. He then shook his head, "No. You better than them."

That made Kalluto eyes lit up in happiness, he was finally getting the appreciation and attention that he deserves, maybe it wouldn't be bad to stick with the Phantom Troupe for a while longer... just until he bring his brother back, of course. He then closed his fan and mutters, "Thank you..."

"Don't thank me. You, my property." Feitan says before he started walking again.

Kalluto looks at him with his eyebrow raised in confusion, 'Property...?'

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