"B-14...They're in B-14." He said shakily.

Steve nodded before reaching into his ear to activate his comms device, "Tony? B-14, get there now."

"Working on it!" He heard Tony shout before disconnecting the line.

"I thought I told you to stay and help Bruce?" Steve asked looking back and Natasha and the Hydra agent who was now slumped unconscious on the floor.

"I'm not really one for following orders, besides Bruce doesn't need my help. It's Clint in there." Natasha reminded him.

Steve sighed and nodded, "You take the right, and I'll go left."


"Sir, we are now at 25% damage to the suit." Jarvis' voice told him causing Tony to curse.

"Yeah thanks, J. Do me a favour and analyse those weapons. That looks like Tesseract technology to me." Tony replied as he deflected another bolt of blue light that was fired in his direction. He looked over at the writing on the stone wall. B-2.

"Tesseract technology confirmed. By my calculations the suit will short circuit before you can secure the floor." Jarvis replied as Tony shot a repulsor at the nearest agent.

"You know what, J? Stop telling me about damages and find me the most direct routine to B-14." Tony fumed as a bolt of Tesseract energy knocked him into the opposite wall. Tony groaned. "Whenever you're ready."

"I have already planned a fly path, sir." Jarvis replied

"No need to show off!"

Another agent fired at him, "J, put as much energy as you can into the repulsors."

"Sir, I have to warn you exposing arc reactor energy with the Tesseract energy could cause..."

"Do it!" Tony ordered before firing straight at the weapon, aiming for the blue chamber where the energy was located.

As soon as they met an explosion erupted causing everyone in the corridor to be flow back. Tony groaned as he moved the loose bricks off himself and stood up. He looked over at the other agents to find them unconscious.

"Jarvis? How we doing?"

"Suit damage at 49%, sir." The AI replied.

Tony nodded before starting off down the corridor, "I can deal with that."


"Captain America, I presume? The stars and stripes give it away some what." A man called out as Steve entered the room.

"The face of Hydra, you picked the wrong side." Steve replied and he stood opposite the man.

"Please call me Henrik, I believe you knew my grandfather, Johan Schmidt?" Henrik replied.

"You're grandfather was a bad person, I had to stop him." Steve tried to explain but Henrik was not amused.

"My grandfather had a vision, one I intend to continue. You say I am siding on the wrong side but you are too naïve to see there are no sides Captain. There is only power." Henrik smirked at him, "Perhaps we are more similar than you believe? You think Hydra is evil, yes? That I am a bad person? But what are you? I wasn't the one who let my heavily pregnant wife get caught in the crossfire. I didn't lead her into a war zone."

Steve grit his teeth, "I am nothing like you."

"Yet here you are. Why if not to kill me?" Henrik asked

"70 years ago Hydra killed my best friend. I made him a promise. I wouldn't stop until Hydra was finished. I intend to keep that promise." Steve replied curtly.

Living With Captain America/ [2]( COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now