Asking time/Ask the Artist Session

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So most of you asked what drawing software did I use or so. Here's the answer to all:

What Drawing Software Did You Use?

First, I used Paint Tool Sai. It is very good for beginners and those who's got shaky hands.
PTS has a "stabilizer" located in the top tool bar at the middle. Stabilizer is used for those who can't keep their shaky hand still.

You can customize your own brushes or make another brush but the shapes or the pattern will stay the same. Size can be altered though.

In paint tool sai, Blending colors isn't hard. It's available in one of the tools or the brush itself can blend the colors with options available.
Paint tool sai is a good start for those who likes to draw Animated character and Cartoons. Animation is possible as well, though making a Gif and/or animation, you will need to have another software such as "gif maker" and so on.

Moving on, I used Photoshop cs6 as well. This one is quite a bit hard. But it's good as well though they don't show the recent works directly like Photoshop CC does.
In Photoshop, you can design your own brush. Make different patterns, different shapes and even using someone's face as a brush. (I happen to have my own personal brush as well.)  and in photoshop there is no stabilizer. But you can make 360 degree art, render it into 3d artwork and so on you will love photoshop like it's your favorite thing on earth but still it can't beat human's love for food.

Though, there is not blending option in photoshop. To blend colors, you have to keep using the eye-dropper or you can say "pipette" icon which will be the Alt button.

But I do have to say, Photoshop is literally amazing. The effects, the editing and cropping+pasting+color dodge are amazing. But mainly color dodge effect. It's magical.

Coloring in photoshop is another thing you need to learn. It's kind of a trick not many artist use. You play with Pressure Opacity. The icon that appears after opacity in the tool bar. Then you need alt button's help. To make soft colors, you need Air brush or the brush with no "hardness". You need a lot of Alt button and you are going to love the Alt button so much.

Before photoshop I did use other several. Krita, Fire alpaca, Medibang and autodesk sketchbook.

Fire alpaca and medibang are similar and are made by one company. But Fire Alpaca is mainly for animating things and Medibang is for Comic/Manga.

Autodesk is pretty much hard. Sketching is easy. But coloring in Autodesk? Do pray beforehand. Though, I love the pencil effect.

In Krita? Blending colors isn't available. Same like Photoshop, No blending, use alt or play with pressure opacity. But you can't make your own brush.

I am trying corel draw and Adobe illustrator soon though. I'll edit this and update in the headlines/title.

What drawing tablet do you use?
Wacom Bamboo, Wacom Cintiq Companion 2 (Broken).

I did order another Cintiq but it's stuck in airport. No updates about that for 2 months already.

If you ever want a tablet, I recommend all the Wacom company's tablet. Other than that, no.
Huion's easy to break. Surface pro needs battery for their pens but wacom doesn't need battery for pens and they give extra nibs.
It's true that surface pro adds a feature for colors but I still recommend to get Wacom instead. Wacom is better and is the top number 1 tablet producer. Much more expensive, I know, but durable. Just don't water them. Don't feed the pen water or the tablet any water. They will never get thirsty. You'll kill them if you ever let them drink.

How did you blend colors?


A lot of alt button. A lot of photos I took from internet to get color palettes and to get realistic colors which I am trying to do but failing miserably but trying hard.
A lot of angry noises, a lot of crying and a lot of trying to fix my screen's lighting.

Do put more questions in the comment section if you have a different one.

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