"Alright," Sam said, turning to me. "If you want to phase back you have to calm down first."

I looked at him sceptically. Calm down? After I just shifted into a giant wolf and almost killed my dad?

"Yeah, it would seem difficult to calm down, but you have to. It makes it easier to talk instead of having one-sided conversations like we have now." I nodded my head in understanding. "I also want to explain some things to you and you won't be able to ask questions like this." I again nodded my head. "Concentrate on calming down now and we'll continue talking after you phased back to your normal self." Sam ordered.

All of a sudden I felt two presences join me, Embry and someone else. "Hey Jake, tell Sam that Paul is coming to you and I'm going to pick up Jared as well." Only seconds after pain ripped through me again and I was lying on the floor of my house in my human self, naked. Sam handed me some clothes to put on as he clearly understood that I didn't want to stay naked.

"Well, that didn't take as long as some others after their first time phasing." Sam grinned at me.

I turned to my dad worriedly. "Are you alright, dad?"

"Yes, I already told Sam that it was mainly the fright and that you just didn't touch me." Dad replied.

"You said something about Taha Aki," I said, turning to Sam. "that the legends about him aren't just legends. That they're true."

"Yes, indeed."

"But as the legends say, the pack never existed of more than three and only when there are cold ones close by. So why is the pack bigger than three and why now? There are no cold ones in the near surroundings. There haven't been in a long time." I asked confused.

Sam gave me a pointed look. "There have been cold ones close by lately. They left four months ago. You should be able to know who."

After a few seconds I found the answer. "The Cullens?" I asked ridiculed. Sam just nodded. "But they aren't here anymore and the pack is still growing.

"We don't know why the pack is growing as they aren't here anymore, but we think that the pack is bigger than three because the Cullens are such a large group of cold ones. Those are the only answers we can come up with for now."

"Oh" Was my smart reply.

"Jacob, we should get going." Sam said, changing the subject and walking towards the door. "I'll explain some more on the way."

"Um, where are we going exactly?"

"My house"

"Alright, I guess."

Sam turned around and gave me a pointed look. "You don't really have a choice. If you didn't want to come I'd just have ordered you to come. As the alpha of the pack I can give orders to the pack members which they're unable to disobey." He quickly explained. "For now, let's go." And I followed him out of my house. Two huge wolves were waiting at the edge of the forest and followed us into the forest where we shifted.


My thoughts were a mess when we walked out of the forest. There were so many aspects to being a wolf-shifter as I had learned. Sam, Embry and Paul, tried to explain it all to me, but I had the feeling that I had forgotten most of it again by now. It's just so much.

Embry and I followed Sam towards a tiny house. It looked like it had been grey once. Next to the weathered blue door there was one narrow window. The bright coloured flowers underneath the window gave it all a cheerful look.

"This is mine and Emily's house." Sam explained as soon as he reached the door, opening it before walking inside. The same time as we entered the living room a young woman entered through the other door, which I guessed lead to the kitchen as she was carrying a tray of muffins. I suppose she's Emily, Sam's fiancée.

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