Part 1

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The harsh winter wind bit at Sehun's skin. He'd tried to find more suitable clothes for a journey across Ardima in these icy conditions but the only article of clothing even remotely wearable was a poncho made from wool. It's owners body lay discarded about a mile away, colouring the pure white snow crimson. Sehun continued to trudge through the layers of snow upon war torn Ardiman land, he continued to look for his friends. However whatever hope had kept him walking for the past few weeks was started to die; he was growing tired by the second.

"Hybuk means the fires of hell in Esrailan Sehun. Get caught and that's where you'll be thrown."

His friends words rang through Sehun's head. Everyone had said there was no escaping Hybuk, no escaping eternal damnation yet Sehun had escaped. Sehun had lived through hell and was standing on his own two feet. No one else had done it, no one had ever escaped, so it brought a glimmer of joy into Sehun's life, imagining how exasperated the Esrailan King must have been. Granted now Sehun was more of a wanted criminal than before but that's what it was all about. He was worth more now, he'd done the impossible and now all of Desrain would bow to the Assassin.

Well more so than before. He thought.

Something was off. There was a sense of danger lingering in the air, a sign of warning in Mother Nature's tone, Sehun knew something was wrong. Everything was deadly silent, too silent. Then he heard the crunching of fresh snow beneath boots, he heard the placing of an arrow in a bow and he heard the whooshing of that same arrow, flying through the air. He caught it with his left hand just as the sharp tip of the arrow grazed his ear.

Dang I'm getting slower.

Suddenly about a dozen men ran out of the shrubbery to Sehun's sides, they were dressed in red and gold; the colours of Esraila. Tremendously under armed the assassin felt the rusted blade - also from the man he'd taken the poncho from - hanging from his belt.

Out of the corner of his eye, Sehun spotted a soldier heading straight for him, sword in hand. Quickly he unsheathed his sword, blocking the soldier's attack. He kicked the young man in the stomach causing him to stumble backwards. Without hesitation the Assassin plunged his sword into the man's chest. Another soldier tried to take him down but Sehun was not one to fall easily, the Assassin continued to fight the soldiers.

However he wasn't as strong as before and although he had escaped Hybuk, it had already taken a toll on him. Two years he'd slaved in those mines, two years he'd been forced to work for his crimes. Sehun was barely living off a slice of bread and water everyday; if he were truly honest, he was surprised they even fed the prisoners. For two years he had to submit to their punishments, in the end he'd become weaker. Although he'd escaped that was only the beginning of the journey. For the two weeks after that Sehun had walk throughout the day and night, starving and cold. He only ever stopped by a stream for water and that would only happen if he were lucky enough to find an unfrozen one. Oh Sehun was weaker and slower, no matter how hard he tried, tasks that should've been easy to him were taking much longer than they should have and he detested it.

Just as the Assassin tried to block a sword coming straight for his neck he felt a kick to his back. Sehun fell onto the cold, snowy floor. Trying with all his might, Sehun pushed himself off the ground only to be knocked back down by a kick to the head. The Assassin winced in pain, clutching the top of his head. The remaining soldiers were holding him down and although he tried, he couldn't wriggle out of their grasps.

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