Recorder Entry 1

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So . . . I'm in Twin Peaks. Not on holiday, God knows I want this to be a holiday, but for business, of sorts. Remember Laura? My cousin? I've talked about her a few times on here. Well, I'm here because she died. She was murdered. I . . . I wish it was a joke, that she just disappeared for a couple of days and is going to come back tomorrow, it is the sort of thing she would do.

But the truth is, I know it's not. I know she's really gone, the police found a body and everything.

It just . . . it makes me feel as if I've done something wrong. I didn't really ever know her that well, we grew apart a long time ago, but . . . I don't know, I just feel like I could've done something to stop it.

I also had the strangest dream last night, I can't remember anything, except the fact that Laura was in it, as a star or something. But I woke up feeling terrible, all nauseous and headachy. I can't help feeling like the two are connected though.

Anyway, it's getting late now, I should probably head to bed. Night.

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