Chapter Two - Gabriella Monte Robinson

Start from the beginning

"Why are you so careful? Everything was fine until just two months ago. What happened?" I asked gently, with genuine curiosity.

He started chuckling, which caused me to cross my arms and turn around. I gave him a look like asking what was so funny. "Remember when Dean came into town and you-" He stopped talking instantly as he realized I had frowned as a tear slipped from my left eye. It is strange how all of a sudden a person could change their mood from one second happy and the next sad.

Ashton noticed and wrapped his arms gently around me at that second. I blushed at the sudden contact and smiled, hugging him back. "Thank you, Ash."

"I'm sorry, I forgot about all that happened. Forgive me?" He asked in my ear as he hugged me.

I pulled him off me to hold him by the shoulders, so I could get a good look at his face. He had black hair, deep dark brown eyes and was tall. Taller than me, and I'm pretty tall. He had a large figure, full of muscle and yes, very handsome. The girls at school absolutely adore him. He never seemed to notice, but when he did, he didn't care. He and I have mutual feelings for each other, brother and sister. It has always been that way and always will. I smiled staring at him in the eyes, making sure he knew I was about to say something. "You are in trouble with me. But I guess we will talk about the whole 'you leaving for months then coming back' thing later. So, wanna come over?" I asked, "Grandma is making chicken. And you can't refuse that, now can you?" As I said this, I felt my joy at him being home radiating off of my skin.

He hesitated before answering, "Maybe...Well, actually I... Oh, why not? Sure." He smiled at my and gave me another quick hug. I was a bit curious, he usually never hesitates. Probably just not sure since he just came back, I shrugged the curiosity off.

I jokingly cheered throwing my hands in the air and doing my own little victory dance. "Finally, a best friends night!" I chuckled as I swirled around to face the direction towards my house.

"You didn't miss me that much, did you? I thought all those boys that surround themselves around you would surely keep you busy." He joked, catching up to me and poking one of my right ribs teasingly.

I shivered slightly because it tickled and glared at him. "Don't you go poking me, it could cause serious problems. And oh please! The only guys I ever get are the boys I never like. They are usually the type to not meet a girl's standards. So why worry? And of course I missed you! Missed you too much, in fact."


Chapter Two


Half Alive _______________________________

Gabriella Monte Robinson








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Demi Lovato as Gabriella


Josh Hutcherson as Damon


Liam Payne as Zayn


Carlos Pena as Ashton


Song of The Day is....

One Direction -

What Makes You Beautiful


Thank you for reading!


Chapter Three coming soon _______________________________

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