Chapter 1 ( can't come up with a name for this one)

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"Ummm.....excuse me Saihara but..." the robot said slowly walking up to Detective,who was in the library going over almost all the books."Oh! Hello Kiibo , do you need something ?" " well, lately when I go to sleep mode , I get this weird feeling that makes me feel....feel...very depressed "   Kiibo said while trying his best to explain the situation. "well you can go with Iruma ,maybe if you let her examine you ,she maybe might know what's going on ? But if that's not the case then I'll try my best to help you " Saihara replied. " thank you so much Saihara ! " the robot said in a very cheerful mood . " heh no problem " Saihara replied while giving Kiibo a pat on the back .  "Let  me just finish going throughout the books , I really want to find out how we can get our memories back . Maybe if we find are memories we can find a way to end this ridiculous killing game ." Saihara said still looking through the book he had on his hand . " Then Kiibo we will meet in your room at 4:20pm ( ya get what I mean ?!? (-;   )  about that time I am done with this." Saihara explained "Then it's settled we will meet in my room . Thank you Saihara I'll see you later then . " Kiibo said while  exiting the library room .

" hmm.... where should I go next now?"Kiibo said thinking to himself ." Well it's 12:23am and I need to meet with Saihara at 4:20pm...." kiibo thought while looking at the time . " Well I have to wait about 4hours and 57min ....ugh what should I do to kill time quickly " kiibo said out loud . 

"lE gAsHp" someone shouted behind Kiibo . It was no surprise though , Kiibo  already knew who owned that voice . In fact Kiibo had already memorized everyone's voice , just in case if he heard someone planning to actually kill one of their classmates. " what do you want Ouma.." Kiibo said.   he really didn't want to talk to Ouma since he was a pain in the ass . its not like kiibo hated Ouma , it's just Ouma  would always ask Kiibo awkward questions nonstop like the most popular   Question that Ouma always asks kiibo "do robots have dicks?" At first kiibo didn't mind for Ouma to ask that since he knew humans had something called "curiosity " . But every time Ouma asked kiibo that question he would  always put an innocent puppy face. Kiibo honestly thought it was super cute seeing Ouma putting that face . But now that he knows what Ouma truly is now ... Kiibo is really  thankful that he hasn't answered any of Oumas questions.

" Kiiboy is it true that you're gonna kill someone?" Ouma said face to face with Kiibo , since Ouma was short he was tippy toeing to see if he would be about the same size as Kiibo ....which didn't turn out since kiibo would still be taller than Ouma for like 2 inches . "What are you talking about Ouma !?!" Kiibo said with a confusing and worrisome look on his face . " Well if I recall you said *ahem* Well I have to wait about 4hours and 57min...ugh what should I do to KILL time quickly" Ouma explained .. Kiibo just stood there, then he face palmed himself "Ouma ....that's not what I meant "Kiibo explained "yes you did " Ouma said with a face that a little brat would make. " No that's not what I meant " kiibo went on . "Yes you did " Ouma talked back.

"No that's not it !" 

"Yes it is !" 

"No it's not! "

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is !"


Kiibo was a little bit annoyed and put his hand over Oumas mouth to shut him up . "Ouma listen , when I said I wanted to KILL TIME I meant by WASTING TIME ! " as soon as Kiibo finished his sentence Ouma licked Kiibos hand ,making Kiibo remove his hand that was on Oumas mouth "EW ! Why did you do that Ouma !" Kiibo said while trying to remove  Oumas sticky saliva . "Because ! Your hands stink do you even wash your hands ! Ew! I will tell everyone ! " Ouma said with a disgust look . "Of Course I do ! " Kiibo shouted . " it doesn't look like you do ." Ouma replied "OUMA !" Kiibo shouted again " Nishishi , come on I was just joking Kiiboy, don't take it so seriously jeez . " Ouma said slightly grinning."Then please stop making jokes like that " kiibo said in a more polite manner."welp I won't promise anything , after all I Am a lier , Nishishi~" Ouma said while giving Kiibo a non trustworthy smile . 

"Anyways , I have to go Ouma I need to with Saihara in my room and I dont want to make Saihara wait " Kiibo said as he was walking away . ' Wow I didn't Kiiboy was a huge pervert! Poor Saihara -chan " Ouma said , and kiibo still walking away ."AH! I am So sorry Kiibo-Kun~ please don't leave me behind~" Ouma said trying to get Kiibos attention. Kiibo had tried his hardest to ignore Ouma and walked away.Then Ouma was left alone in the middle of the hallway.

"*Kiibo-kun*? Why would Ouma call me that feels strange .."the robot thought to himself as he was walking to his room . "Nah, I am probably just disgust since Its Ouma that I am talking about here." Kiibo finally got inside his room and layed on his bed. "Well it looks like Saihara will get here in like 3hours or so." As soon as kiibos head hit the pillow, he accidentally hit the sleep mode button, Kiibos vision started getting darker and darker . "Wait ! What ....W0t? 0h No ! wAiT ! I nEeD t0 t4lk T*  $iahara!" 


{HOI!!! ITS ME ! Thank you so much for reading this chapter ! I am super sorry if it's short and rushed ... And this story will have many parts so it won't end quickly! I am planning tons of new things for this story ! Anyway I  HOPE that you enjoyed this story and if you liked it please leave a vote or follow me (if you want to) see you in the next chapter!! >_<}

Melancholy ( kiibouma )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя