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Aella's POV

When I was born, I was born a wolf. A reddish brown pup with mint green eyes. It shocked everyone that day but as soon as the mid wife had pulled me from my mother I had transformed into an average human baby. None of the doctors or nurses that had seen me as a wolf believed what they had seen that day. Mother had said that they had quit their jobs and flown to a whole new country. I think that mother had bribed them to keep quiet and to leave the state as that would be just like my scheming mother although dad would have had something to do with it as well. Me I didn’t care that much about it.

By the time I was five I had learnt to control my wolf. I had called her Chestnut for the colour of our coat. Chestnut voiced herself a lot and even helped me in tricky times as a youngster. Like the time I had been walking through the streets on my own.

--------------------------------- Memory -------------------------------

I was walking through the park when seven or so older boys come along and start to push me around. I tried to walk home as it was not far from here but they blocked my way “move please, I need to be getting home”

I went to go around them again but they just moved to block my path again. I heard one of the boys speak to who seemed to be the leader “come on Jarod just leave to kid alone, she’s only around five years old”

Jarod replied “no way join her if you like James but I’m not just going to let her go”

That’s when Chestnut spoke up well more like yelled in my mind


So that’s what I did I ran but not for home but into the woods. My long honey blond hair was flying out behind me like there was a strong wind blowing, but it was just my running as there was no wind. I was bare foot at the time and I cut my feet up real bad.

Five of the boys following Jarod all split up to try and find me while Jarod just waited back at the park with James. I was swift on my feet and I was smart too, but it was Chestnut that helped me the most. She led me to a place where I could hide until the boys all gave up and left me alone.

When I thought the danger had past I crawled back into the late afternoon sun and walked back towards my house. I didn’t get far soon I was picked up by the back of my shirt and carried back to Jarod was waiting. Now I was annoyed for being brought back here but I knew I had to get control over myself as I could never change into a wolf in front of these bullies.

I was thrown into the dirt at Jarod’s feet, which then I was kicked in the head by him. I shut my eyes as I stood and clenched my small hands into fists “leave me alone please, I won’t ask again”

“Is that a threat, she’s going to try and hurt my boys oh I’m so scared now brat” Jarod said his voice full of sarcasm.

Chestnut: Let me take them Aella, they should learn not to mock us like that and show us some respect

I growled loudly before my body shifted gracefully into that of a young wolf. I heard gasps from all the bullies then I jumped on Jarod and made him fall on his back. Growling as I stood on his chest, I snapped my teeth at his face and watched as he covered his face with his hands to try to stop my jaws from going to close to his face. I snapped my sharp little teeth at him again with a growl before jumping off him to look at the others who were now running like scattered deer all but James who was just watching.

Chestnut: Let’s go before we have people with guns at our back

Aella: Agreed Chestnut

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