Wondrous girl (Sam x reader)

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You pull on your boots and jog into your boyfriend ,sams room "come on Winchester were going on an adventure" you say with a smile grabbing his hand and pulling him out . "okay, okay, let me put on my shoes " he says with the brightest smile.

*sams p.o.v*

'god I love her' I think to myself and walk out to her car. " get in she yells as I open the door". "okay , so where are we going ?" I ask with a smile. "we, Sam Winchester, are going to a place I used to consider my haven. And in the process , you are going to learn to live a little" she says with a gleam of mischief and rebellion in her eyes.

          After about 2 hours we reach her home town water tower . an old rusty thing that looks way too dangerous to climb " what are we doing here ?" I ask "my father was a famous muralist, he used to do pieces of graffiti all over this town as a kid and soon enough he started to grow a legend for himself . before he died he taught me a few things . tonight, we are raising my father's legend from the grave . " she says pulling out spray paint and rope .

          (y/n) , already half way to the tower calls down to me " come on Winchester ! you can't climb this?" she taunts. " oh, I'll show you " I say struggling to pull my massive body up to the water tower .

          Once dawn finally hits we finished her masterpiece , a beautiful mural that says, "the legend lives on ~ (y/l/n)" with beautiful flowers, birds, and waterfalls she did all by herself . suddenly a cop comes up and shine a light on us, "hey! Get down from there" I look at her scared . she simply yells "fuckkk" and jumps down. After , I follow . "officer, I am (y/f/n) daughter of (y/d/n),  THE (y/d/n) ." I stand behind her quietly "honey, I am aware of your father's work but vandalism is vandalism and I'm gonna have to take you and your friend here down to the station "ughh damnit (y/n)!" I say turning around so the cop can cuff me " oh shut it Winchester, you know you had the time of your life. I told you I was gonna make you live a little . "

           After about three hours dean finally comes to pick us up .

"I'd never thought I'd see the day my Sammy was locked up with you ,(y/n)" dean says mockingly. "oh, shut up dean. You're just upset be you weren't invited" . she replies as feisty as ever . "damn straight I am ! by the way it's beautiful" I look to her and smile "yeah, she is..."

*in the car *

"hey Sam, did it hurt?" she asks . "what? oh let me guess 'did it hurt I fell from heav-'" she then cut me off "oh, no ! did it hurt when you fell for me ?" she smirks , "you sly girl..." I sly looking in her eyes about to lean in before dean interrupts "Aye! No, you can wait till you're alone" he says looking at us in the mirror.  

That one kind of reminded me of papertwons but I just really felt like writing a free-spirit type like Margo

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