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I feel something's strange. it's like a part of me really wants

to go as soon as possible. thirsty of adventures and

new chapter of this non-fiction novel, but the other wants to

reminisce every single thing that left because some things are too

precious, too expensive, I can feel the adrenaline

and the sorrow at the same time

I keep remembering how hurt was the pain and how meaningful

was the happiness I've had, how people changed

how love came with heart break and tortures

the glimpse of heaven showed in the last minute

in one of my chapter

thousands of hours are waiting

to be killed, and my dark brown lenses

have never been more ready

to see the exquisite landscapes

and praising them like an alcoholic needs the white russian

feels like I don't want to sleep

because my real-astonishing life

is even better than having an endless cash

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