what went wrong?! :'(

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*Emmys POV*

"get me to a doctor!"I screamed in pain

Justin quickly got a pillow, his keys and a big bag we prepared for the day of my baby's birth.

he then helped me up and took me to the car.

~During the Dive~

I was in pain the whole ride their.

"just a few minutes left baby. hang in their"I heard Justin say

Then everything went black.

~Justin's POV*

"Oh shit!"I whisper to myself when I see Emmy was knocked out.

I then see her phone going off and Mariah's picture on the screen with her special ringtone she set up especially for Emmy.

I picked up the phone and heard Brian scream a few things but the only words I understood were "Mariah is giving birth. get to the hospital now!"

at that moment we arrived at the hospital. I then saw Brian sitting in a chair nervously tapping his foot.

*Brian's POV*

Once I hung up I saw Justin walking in carrying Emmy in. I jumped up and ran over to them to help him carry her in.


Two doctors then came rushing over to us and took Emmy into a room but wouldn't let us in.

*Doctors POV*

We quickly pushed the young pregnant girl into a open surgery room.

"get me a knife" I said

they handed me a knife and I cut her stomach open where the baby was.

one I got her open I saw her baby was dead and that is why she was bleeding.

~A few min later~

*Emmys POV*

I woke up I'm a hospital bed and tried to get up but then I felt a giant pain in my stomach so I laid back down and saw stitches on my stomach so I screamed.

a doctor came running in and I asked what happened.

"Mrs.Klassen, your baby is dead. I am sorry for your loss"

WHOA! :'(:'(:'(

Sry sad chapter

vote and comment plz get more people to read my book

A second chanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora