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Morning sun peaked it's ugly head into their room where Rachel layed as still as possible hoping to get just a few more minutes without Toms grating voice ordering her about. She looked out the window thinking of all the things he would make her do today.
Yesterday was an easier day with no strange demands but with Tom you never know. Like that one day he made her dig up her azaleas and replant them all one inch over just because he knew her garden was her sanctuary. Or that day he made her cook his eggs seven different ways. Rachel shuddered at the thought.
     She brought his breakfast to him, two eggs over easy, dry toast and black coffee and set them on the table in front of him. As she turned his steely grip snatched her arm and he seethed with disgust. How dare you made my eggs this runny go back and make them right you slithering idiot! That's when he pulled out the box....
     Rachel knew what was in this box just like all the boxes he had hidden throughout their home. He had used them all on her at one point or another. This one had assorted pins of different sizes that depending on the severity of her crime against him would depend on the size and the area it was used on. When she came back with the second set of eggs he said they were cooked to much and demanded her hand. She never begged him to not do these things anymore because it just made him be more cruel to her. So Tom stabbed her in the hand with a pin attached to a wooden handle so he could stick it in deeper. He got so excited when he would see her blood. He would start talking excitedly with his next demand and smile grandly will he spoke, even laughter would escape sometimes it was disturbing. By the time Rachel made it to the seventh set of eggs she was bleeding profusely from both her hand and blood was running down her arm dropping off her elbow. She wasn't allowed to leave she had to sit there bleeding while he ate his breakfast. Then he would praise her on another delicious breakfast, kiss her on the lips and tell her he had work to do and leave the kitchen.
     So you see why she hoped he didn't wake up but he did, he always did and today was to be no different, or so she thought.
     The morning with Tom went off without a hitch and Rachel sighed a breath of relief for small favors. She was extremely afraid of Tom and the things he did to her made her feel on edge all the time.

Cross Country  part 2Where stories live. Discover now