A day out in the town

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~Cryler pov~

We all agreed to go shopping, since we needed new clothes.  As we passed by many stores we saw a big clothing store, Oncie's eyes lit up and he dragged us in. I must say there were many interesting things inside. Hoodies, jackets, dresses, shoes, and these things called "lingerie". I tried asking Greed what that was, but he blushed and never responded. Greed and I picked out green and purple hoodie with black jeans. Greed wanted these shiny black boots and they were quite expensive. "Greed how do you think I can afford a $100 pair of shoes?!" Oncie yelled. Greed pulled out a huge stack of cash, and we both stared at it. "That's a lot of money." Oncie replied. "Cry pick out one expensive thing." Greed said and pet my head. "HOW IS THAT FAIR?!" Oncie yelled. I picked out 3 brackets in our favourite colors: green, blue, and purple. "Why do you need 3 bracelets?" Oncie asked. "I thought they could be like relationship bracelets!" I said. "We that's so sweet!" Oncie hummed as he hugged me. We went to check out or items and as soon as we got out of the store we put our bracelets on. As soon as we got to the truffula forest we all held hands with me in the middle. As we reached our tent like house, Greed let go of my hands. "I'll be right inside ok?" He said. Oncie and I looked confused, but we nodded and went inside.
~third person~
Greed looked down his wrist to see the green bracelet, is was made out or silver and had small green heart. As the sun set the few final days of sun hit the bracelet so it shines. His eyes shines as he lightly smiled and sighed. He walked back into the house and sat down on the couch in between Cry and Oncie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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