I just shook my head, of course she would be thinking about if the apocalypse was a good time or not.

"Hey Kar, I've gotta go, I think I'm going to throw up," Jess slurred. She didn't wait for my answer before she hung up.

    I grimaced and looked at my burrito, my appetite suddenly gone, and threw it in the nearest trash can. Walking down the street, I felt the sun on my back, warming my skin. Normally, I disliked staying in the sun for so long--knowing the effect it had on my fair skin--but today it felt amazing. It rejuvenated me and I felt my queasy stomach ease the longer I was in it. Maybe all I needed was some fresh air and vitamin D.

    I waited until I was on the same street as the high school before putting my headphones in, not wanting a repeat of last Friday. I debated whether or not to pull out my book so I could read a chapter before school started.

Looking around, I saw no one underneath the canopy of trees. Glancing at the trees, I had the strangest urge to touch one. Not to look at it or anything, just to feel the cool wood beneath my fingertips. Pushing the thought aside, I grabbed my copy of Scarlet Pimpernel and began reading where I left off.

    It was nice. Listening to music and reading as I walked, the sun melting my worries away. I lost myself in the worn pages of the parchment and black ink.

I planned on making it to school without running into anyone—considering the street was empty—but instead, something hit me with a thud. Something hit me hard. Knocking me forward, it sent me towards the pavement. It took me a second to drop my book to break my fall though, I was hesitant to left my book fall on the ground. I winced as my arms braced my fall onto the warm cement, feeling my skin scrape against the ground.

    I think it was time to stop wearing my headphones in public.

Ripping them out of my ear, I whipped my head to the reason why I was on the floor, prepared to give them a full lecture.

"Excuse you," I said to the figure standing up from his position on the floor. His back was turned to me, but I recognized the wavy brown hair. "Peter?"

Peter turned, more like whirled, to face me, surprise on his face. "Kara! Um hi, hey! What are you..." Realization dawned on to Peter's face. "Oh crap! I'm so sorry, I didn't even see you. I thought I was going to be late for school and so I guess I just wasn't looking."

Amidst his rambling apology, he helped me to my feet--more like pulled me to my feet without giving me a warning. Peter was a lot stronger than I expected him to be and his hands felt firm on my shoulders as he looked at my face.

"Are you okay?" Once again, he sounded just like the masked hero who saved me a week prior.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I replied, "Yeah I am, thanks." I gave him a fake smile. I tried making it more sincere, but my mind was still focusing on the fellow who sported red and blue.

"Are you sure? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Stepping out of his grasp, I closed my palm with the--probably bleeding--scrape and pressed it to my side. I liked Peter, I didn't want to make him feel worse than he probably already felt.

"Nope, not a scratch," I smiled, more sincerely, and looked into his chocolate brown eyes.

Relief flooded across his face and he flashed me an apologetic smile. But his gaze only met mine for a moment or so before he dropped his to search the floor. I didn't know what he was looking for, but when he picked up my faded book I realized it should have been obvious.

As soon he picked it up, his hands went to straighten the bent pages. His fingers worked hastily to restore the pages and I laughed at his attempt. Some of those pages were already bent, so it wasn't that big of a deal.

Once it was satisfactory by Peter's standards, he shoved it my way, "Here."

I accepted the book and gave a grateful smile, "Thanks."

"Sorry about your book and about running into you. I normally watch where I am going, I swear." Peter stopped as he considered his words, sporting a goofy smile. "Well, sometimes."

Chuckling, I look at the ground before looking at his face again. "No worries. No harm, no foul."

Peter sighed a breath of relief and then flicked his dark eyes at me, giving me a once over, his smile fading. It felt weird being under his gaze for so long. I already told him my viewpoint on superheroes, when I hadn't told anyone before, so who knew what else I'd tell him.

I checked the time on my cell phone. "You said you were worried about being late? Well, if we don't get going now then we probably will be."

"Oh okay, yeah yeah yeah, we should get going."

Not waiting for my response, he rushed down the street in the direction of the high school. Sighing, I clutched my book to my chest and followed him.

A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks for reading the 4th chapter of this story! I hope you enjoyed it! Not a lot happened in this chapter, but that's because I was setting it up for the next chapter! And there was more Peter this time! Thanks for being awesome!

Kathleen :)

Extraordinaries • {Peter Parker}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora