Chapter 2 Reconciliation

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“That dream was really weird…. And I’m usually one to have a basic understanding of said quandaries” Syre held a finger to his chin, pondering his dream while walking to café. “What a pi- GAHHH” Syre screamed in pain grabbing his head in agony “MY HEAD IT FUCKING HURTS” he swayed back in forth struggling to walk on the sidewalk. “Watch out!” a voice screamed as Syre’s vision slowly started to fade away.


“Hey, are you okay?” the voice said with an alluring tone, “you don’t look so good there, you sure you aren’t sick?” the voice said as Syre shot up almost his face nearly touching the mysterious person’s face “Hello there” the mysterious person’s lips gleamed as a sort of shine sparkled from their smile.   Syre sat there for a few moments with amazement in his eyes “Who….. who are you?” the figured laughed and grew a smirk “I am the special one, the one to heal your wounds, the one who’s gonna save your life someday, my name is-“their voice started to get faded “An-“ darkness then slowly veiled the figure. “No!” Syre slammed his fist on the floor “You can’t do this to me, why must I always be kept in the dark?!” tears slowly started to form on Syre’s face as his vision grow dark again.

“Wake up Syre come on” A familiar voice had rung in the silence. “Come on man I don’t have time to be holding your damn head” Tult remarked. Syre groaned in response “good to see you’re the same as always Tult, it’s always a good wake up call, so how you doin’ honey” Syre smirked saying playfully. “Well I’ve doing good I’ve just been carrying your ass around” Tult laughed standing Syre up as Syre dusted himself off. “I don’t even know what had happened in all honesty, one moment I was walking to the café and the next second poof I end up in my prince’s arms” Syre laughed trying to mask the fact that he’s a bit distressed. “Well you were just lying on the side of the road so I had to do something” Tult rolled his eyes with a little smirk. “Now come on, let’s go meet up with the girls” Tult says as he walks off. “On it” Syre replied and followed Tult to the café.

Both Dyian and Maki were sitting at the table seemingly deep in discussion. “What’s up cunts” Syre says as he slowly walked up to the table chuckling a bit. “Syre” Maki having a bit of a stern look on her face. “What’s up with the tense mood” Syre looked a bit puzzled and tilted his head. Prior to this moment, Maki and Syre had a rich and deep history, firstly becoming strangers then romantic partners, their relationship was seen as “perfect” in reality it was the complete opposite there was many flaws and hiccups and lots of arguments. Eventually the arguing had become too much for Syre and he had decided to cut the relationship short, his timing was terrible as it was his own graduation and she had attended, although they remained friends to this day due to her love for him. “How long has it been…?” Maki’s face started to look a bit depressing almost morose. “It’s been…. Two weeks” Syre’s face had started to grow a bit black, facial expression almost expressing distress as well as anger. “Why do you ask” he clinches his fist “Why did you do this to me….” Tears started to form around Maki’s eyes “Why did you leave me? If you really loved me then  you would have stayed with me” Maki’s voice started to become hoarse, a shadow started to envelope around Syre’s face “If I told you…. You would only say it’s a lie” he clenched his fist, tears slowly. Tult slowly started to step away from the situation, Dyian stood strongly next to her friend. “I did it because I loved you, I had thought I liked someone…. Only to figure out she didn’t like me, I didn’t want to go back  to you because that’s basically going back to you for pity, I got tired of the fighting and you know how your condition could heighten due to stress” Syre stood firmly looking down, Maki stood silent and started to laugh with tears streaming down her eyes “I thought you would be the best boyfriend ever, but ever since we broke apart you started to treat me like shit and push me away, I love you Sy-“ “ No you don’t” Syre screamed “You don’t need to love me, all I’ll do is hurt you, only a fool would hurt someone like you, look at all your friends and opportunities and then  you just have me…. I made it to college, yeah and I cared about your education because I want you to be better than me.” He screamed at the top of his lungs “You never cared for me” Maki cried, “I cared for you enough to make this choice, I’m sorry but we’re not friends anymore, I hope you find someone better than me and he knows how to make you happy and treat you right.” Syre slowly started to get up, Maki and Dyian slowly started to get up as well “Fuck you asshole, you hurt my best friend and for what, if you had a problem why didn’t you just talk with us or with her” Dyian remarked, yelling at Syre “Yeah… I’m the biggest asshole their will ever be, good luck Maki. I wish you the best” Syre slowly walked towards the exit assuring that no one else was following him.

“I’m gonna be in pain but it’s for the best, she didn’t do anything wrong, this was all my fault”

“In reality, I still loved her”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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